6. Finnick Odair

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So, I thought that all of my readers would enjoy a chapter that was in Finnicks' POV (well... not point of view but... you know what I mean!) so here it is! Plus the story kind of called for it anyway! I hope you enjoy and please vote, comment and follow!

Finnick was shoved into a small room, with only two doors on either side of him. The one he came through and the one he was about to go through.

The room was a bright white colour that almost blinded him if he focused too much on the colour. There was only one other person in the room. A girl in a blood red dress that went to just above her knees, stood a few centimetres away from Finnick who was crouched on the ground.

An Avox, he thought. He stood and brushed himself off with one hand, offering the other hand to the girl. She took it and shook his hand once, then let go. She handed him an eye dropper containing a clear liquid.

“What is this? Water?” Finnick looked through the dropper at the substance inside, to see a distorted version of the girl. She shook her head furiously and through the liquid it looked very strange.

The girl stared at him with her big brown eyes, pointing to his ears. “Oh, it goes in my ears does it?” She smiled and nodded, “Do I just put one drop in each?” Finnick was wondering what it was going to be used for. She nodded glad he understood.

He raised the dropper up to each ear, in turn and dropped a small droplet into each ear canal. Slowly he could feel the liquid seep further and further into his ears. The brown eyed girl smiled and took his hand. 

Finnick followed her to the other door, which had one small window in it. She turned, one hand on his and the other on the door handle.

She let go of his hand and gave him the thumbs up. Finnick smiled, confused by what she meant. The girl could tell he didn’t understand, so she stood on her tippy toes and kissed him on the cheek, trying to get her good luck message across.

Finally Finnick understood. She was wishing him good luck, he didn’t really understand why, but he still appreciated it. Her brown eyes lit up when she realised that he knew what her message was.

Slowly, she turned to the knob and pushed Finnick through the door. He heard the snap of the lock behind him and turned, looking through the small, glass window. The girl, smiled and pretended to look like she was in pain for some reason or other.

Finnick looked quizzically at her, his head tilted to one side. Finnick saw her physically sigh.  She waved him off into the room obviously thinking he might understand that way.

He smiled once more at her and made his way further into the room. There were trees surrounding him with lush green leaves sprouting from the branches.

He walked into a clearing and stopped getting a nauseating feeling in his stomach. Something bad was about to happen. Suddenly, a group of birds began to swarm around Finnicks’ head. 

Jabberjays, Finnick had had another run in with Jabberjays before now, and it wasn’t fun the first time hearing Annies’ screams for help.

But oddly enough, Finnick could see the bird’s mouths moving but he couldn’t hear anything. He stood stunned for a moment the collapsed in a pretend heap of pain.

Finnick realised now what the girl had been trying to tell him. She had given him some kind of liquid that blocked of any sound from coming into his ear canal so that he didn’t have to endure to pain. He now knew what she had meant by pretending to be in pain. He had to pretend he was hearing the screams of someone he loved.

“Annie!” He screamed putting his hands over his ears pretending to try and block out the sound. “ANNIE!” He began to rock back and forth on his knees, trying to be a convincing as possible to whoever might be watching.

Unexpectedly he heard a tapping noise in front of him. Although he wanted to see who it was he wasn’t stupid enough to fall for it in case it was someone from the Capitol, or even worse, Snow.

Slowly, the swarm of birds began to diminish into only a few and then to none at all. Finnick decided to continue to rock back and forth mumbling Annies’ name until someone came to get him.

All of a sudden, there were small hands dragging him to his feet. To be convincing, he screamed “ANNIE!” one more time and continued mumbling her name. The hands belonged to the brown eyed girl and she dragged him along with her back to the door, him more stumbling that walking.

Once they had entered the room again and she check no one was around she hugged him. Finnick whispered “Thank you.”, in her ear and pried himself from her grasp, thinking of Annie.

She smiled at him and nodded many times, showing that he had done very well and had done what she had wanted. “So, does this stuff just wear off?” She nodded her brown eyes sparkling in the light of the white walls.

There was a quick knock at the door and the two guards came back in that had brought him here. They both wrapped an arm around him each and dragged him out of the room.

Finnick and the girl with brown eyes and a red uniform exchanged one last secretive smile before the door was closed between them. 

On the way to where ever the guards were taking him, he made sure to annoy them by stumbling often and screaming “Annie!” every few minutes, just after they relaxed after the last time he had screamed her name.

Now all that Finnick had to do was continue to sham his craziness to make sure Snow believed that he had been sent crazy by being tortured. He knew it would be hard, but if it helped his family or any family for that matter he would do it.

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