20. Katniss Everdeen

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  • Dedicated to Suzanne Collins

Katniss’s heart stopped as Snow dragged her father in front of him. He was using him as a shield, just like he had threatened. She screamed, and looked away. She felt like such a weak child, but she didn’t think she would be able to stand watching what was unfolding.

Nothing was really making any sense to her. Katniss fell to the ground, her hands covering her head. She blocked out everything, and cried. She so wanted to hid somewhere, to not let anyone see her in this state, but she couldn’t move.

The others watched in horror as the arrow speed towards Mr. Everdeen. A loud yell rang out, and suddenly someone was speeding towards Snow and Mr. Everdeen. “He doesn’t deserve to die! Snow does!” A figure jumped forwards just before the arrow reached Mr. Everdeen.

The arrow buried itself into the stomach of the figure, and the figure fell to the ground. Snow laughed loudly, and coldly. “Katniss Everdeen fails again!” 

Peeta stared at the body on the ground. “Talkative…” He rasped. 

“NO! Let me go you freaking bastard! No one but you deserved to die today! No one but you!” Mr. Everdeen struggled hard against Snow. 

His voice seemed to snap Katniss out of her woes. She got to her feet shakily, and wiped her tears away. Silently, she went over to Talkative and grasped his now cold hand. “…You…” She pointed towards Snow, “You are…” She couldn’t finish. Nothing could describe his evil well enough.

Snows eyes were cold. He laughed again and smiled evilly. “Miss Everdeen. I didn’t kill him. I merely shielded myself from your arrow. This man here,” he gestured roughly towards Talkative’s lifeless body, “got in the way of your arrow.”

“No he didn’t.” Mr. Everdeen’s voice was a growl. “He saved his best friend from dying. In turn, he gave his life just so you could still be killed. He knew fair well that if I died Katniss wouldn’t be able to move, let alone kill you. He knew he had to save me, for Katniss, and for Panem.”

Katniss slid Talkative’s eyes closed, so he was eternally asleep, but didn’t get up. “You’re evil. More than evil. You don’t understand what love means, do you?”

Snow rolled his eyes. “Love means nothing. Nothing at all.”

“See. You don’t understand it at all. Love means standing up for someone, giving your life even.” She looked down at the body on the ground. “Love means dying, sometimes, so others can go on and accomplish what you wanted. Love means giving anything for someone.” Silent tears were rushing down her cheeks now.

Peeta came forwards. Johanna, Finnick and Prim did the same. They all stood in front of Snow, scowls on their faces, weapons drawn. “You don’t understand love, and you don’t understand family. You don’t understand life.”

Snow raised his head up to the sky and laughed, his eyes closed. “It’s you who doesn’t understand. Life isn’t about love. Life is about power, and getting everything that you have ever wanted. Being alive should be about what you want, and never about what other want. Love is stupid.” 

He opened his eyes again, and went rigid. In the time he had explained life to them, everyone have surrounded him, this time even closer so there was no escape without hurting them. “You really want me to hurt you, don’t you?” He flashed his teeth in and ugly smile.

“No, we just want to hurt you.” Finnick said smugly.

Mr. Everdeen elbowed Snow in the face with so much force Snow stumbled backwards, giving him enough time escape and join the others in their circle around Snow. 

“I see how it is, you’re trying to overwhelm me, aren’t you. That isn’t going to work I’m afraid.”

“Oh, but I think it will.” Prim smiled at him, but not her usual sweet smile.

Johanna swung with her axe, and cut through the back of Snow’s shirt and his skin. He grimaced but continued to smile. Peeta, who had picked up Talkative’s long sword, slashed across the front of his body, leaving a long incision on his body. 

Snow doubled over slightly, clutching at his bleeding stomach. But he still managed a weak chuckle. “None of you have the guts to finish me off.”

“You sure about that?” Finnick raised a questioning eyebrow, then thwacked the bottom of his sickle up the side of Snow’s head.  He fell to the ground, and Finnick smiled slightly. “Think I used a bit too much force…”

Katniss stepped forwards, and stood tall over the top of Snow’s writhing body. “You’re prediction was wrong. I’m having no trouble killing you.” She raised her bow and aim carefully at Snow’s heart, that she imagined as a black, loveless object now.

“But you haven’t killed me-” Snow’s eyes went wide, then softened as the life drained out of him.

“Now I have.” Katniss said, turing away from him. 

(Sorry about it being a bit short...) The bastards finally dead now... Thank GOD! Now, go read the epilogue! Oh, and thanks to Suzanne Collins for writing The Hunger Games trilogy and giving me the chance to write this fanfic... it really has been a great journey for me... Anyways... GO READ THE EPILOGUE!

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