8. President Snow

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"Myra, Please bring me my meal." Snow called. A girl with big brown eyes and a red dress came rushing in holding a tray. Mounted on the tray was a dish made up of T-bone steak and vegetables. To the side of it there was a cup that had a brown gravy in it.

The girl, Myra, set down the tray in front of Snow, curtsied and began to make her way out. As she was about to pass out of the door Snow called out to her, "Myra, can you please stay for a moment."

Slowly and apprehensively, Myra turned around and made her way back to Snow. She kept going over what she had done to help Finnick and she was so scared that he knew about it. Myra knew that there was only one thing that he could do to her that could affect her, and that was to kill her.

Myra stood in front of Snow. She fidgeted slightly with the end of her dress. Snow smiled at her. "Don't be afraid. I just wanted to ask you about Finnick Odairs' torture." He looked at her trying to hide the fact that he already knew what had happened.

"I just wanted to know if he cooperated with you." Myra nodded. "Okay. Did anything unusual happen." He emphasised the word 'unusual'. Myra's' eyes flashed in fear. He knows what happened, she thought, but how?

She shook her head not making eye contact with Snow. "Ah, but I have evidence to the contrary." Myra's' heart started to beat a little faster. Suddenly a small, transparent screen appeared. It showed Myra standing in the corner of the white room awaiting the arrival of Finnick.

The door swung open and Finnick tumbled in. The guards' slammed the door shut again and Myra and Finnick were the only two in the room. He held out his hand and Myra shook it once then held the eye dropper out to him.

"What is this? Water?" He asked raising it up to his eyes. Myra shook her head and pointed to her ears. "Oh, it goes in my ears does it?" Myra nodded.

He raised the dropper to each ear in turn and squeezed a drop in each. Myra took his hand made her way towards the door and he followed her. She let go and gave him the thumbs up. Finnick looked confused so she stood and kissed him of the cheek.

Finally, he got her message of good luck and she opened the door and showed Finnick in. Myra looked out of the small window and pretended to writhe in pain. She sighed at Finnick through the glass and waved him away in the forest of trees.

Once he was out of sight she went back to standing in the corner a triumphant smile curled across her face.

The screen shuddered and vanished leaving Myra standing in shock. Snow was looking intently at her waiting for her reply, or whatever she was going to do because she was an Avox.

Myra looked at Snow, her eyes glassy. "So," Snow said folding his arms, "what do you have to say for yourself." He laughed. "Oh, that's right you can't talk can you?"

A single tear trailed down Myra's' face. She knew exactly what he was going to do with her. He would kill her because she had defied him, again.

Snow snickered. "You think I am going to kill you, don't you?" Myra looked up at him her brown eyes wide. "Oh, no no no. That would just be too easy and I wouldn't be able to use you against your friends would I?" He tilted his head to side.

"No, I am going to lock you up and when the time is right I am going to use you to my advantage." Myra stared at Snow. What a despicable man he is, she thought, He is only keeping me alive to exploit me.

The doors swung open and two guards came charging in. They grabbed either one of Myra's' arms and dragged her out of the room. Snow smiled at her until she could not see her anymore, then his smiled vanished and was replaced by a look of worry.

What if my plan doesn't work, contemplated Snow, they already seem to be trying to bring me down from the inside. Wait, what am I thinking? I can't afford to think like that. I will finally be able to destroy Katniss Everdeen and her family. I will finally be able to destroy the Mockingjay.


Myra thrashed against the guards, but it was no use. They were stronger and taller than her. She would never be able to get free from their grip.

They passed a room where the door was slightly ajar. Myra stole a glimpse of the inside. It was a laboratory, or what sort of resembled a laboratory. It was pitch black but Myra could see a glowing substance inside. It was a florescent purple and there was what resembled two people bent over it, examining it.

They looked up and Myra could see their bright eyes, through the darkness. They were a strange colour of gold. They stared and suddenly there eyes were replaced with a cream coloured wall.

Myra stumbled and one of the guards pushed her forwards. They walked down another few corridors then she was at her cell.

She was shoved into the wall inside the cell. There was mould on it and it felt horrible against her skin. There was a bang behind her and she knew that she had been locked in until Snow wanted her again.

She sank to the floor tears running one after another down her cheeks. Myra had always thought that when she was little and she cried, that the tears were racing against each other. It had always cheered her up, but this time it definitely didn't.

Myra wrapped her arms around her legs and buried her face in her knees thinking about the prospect of having to work for Snow and possibly have to hurt some of her friends and idols like Katniss Everdeen.

Myra's' body shuddered as she cried silently into her knees.

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