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  • Dedicated to EVERYONE!!

“Come out, come out wherever you are…” Katniss crept along the backyard, looking for any give aways of where her kids, and husband, might be hiding.

She smiled. Peeta was horrible at hiding. She could see his shoe peeking out from the bushes. “Got you!” She grabbed his foot, and dragged him out from the bushes. 

“Again?” He wailed, but smiled.


Peeta kissed her softly. “Now, let’s go find out two kids.”

Ever since Katniss had killed Snow herself, only a month or so ago now, it seemed like a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. It was like she hadn’t been able to love her life as much as she wanted to before because she didn’t know he was dead for sure.

Now she knew.

They had brought both Talkative and Snow’s bodies back, but they were dealt with very differently from each other. Talkative had been buried in a nice memorial service that both Katniss and her father had spoken at. It wasn’t one of her finer moments, but she didn’t care.

Snow on the other had at been very worse off. When they got his body back, they didn’t know what to do with it. But Haymitch had an idea. Cut up his body, and give the body parts to some scientists to study. He had said maybe they might find out why he was such a bastard. Or at least, that was the nicer version of what he had said.

But everything was a little bit different now, having Prim, Finnick, Rue and so many others back in their lives. It was like old times, but it was also so new it everyone. It was a fresh start, and Katniss didn’t mind it at all.

“There,” she whispered pointing to the back gate that was ajar, “I bet they’re around there somewhere.” Peeta and Katniss crept up to the gate, and jumped out, hoping to find the kids. They weren’t there.

“What, but I swear…”

“Wait, over there.” Peeta gestured towards the flower bed in the front garden. There were some trek marks in the soil. “You take that side, I’ll take this one.”

Together, they snuck up to the thick flower bed and screamed, “BOO!” at the same time. Rye and Willow screamed loudly. 

“You found us!” They complained. “But this was such a good hiding spot!”

“It certainly was, that’s why it took us a little longer to find you than usual!” Katniss picked up Willow and began to tickle her. She laughed loudly. 

“Put me down!” She squealed in between laughs. “Put me down right now!”

“No!” Peeta was doing to same with Rye, and after a little while, they fell into a laughing, and breathless, heap on the ground. 

Katniss had never felt better than she did now, and she doubted she ever would.

So... It's finally done then... *cries for eternity* Anyways, I just want to say THANK YOU A WHOLE DAMN LOT for even reading this... Like, I can't even fathom it... THANK YOU! This fanfic has been such a big thing to me and I can't... Just... Wow... I'm so glad it's done, but it's like I'm losing a part of me or something... But, I don't want to be a total downer, so I've decided I'm going to put this in the Watty Awards! *clapping in the distance* So yeah... WISH ME LUCK GUYS! THANK AGAIN FOR EVERYTHING! LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH! XOXO

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