7. Primrose Everdeen

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Finnick hadn’t come back from his toilet trip, an hour ago. Prim was pacing back and forth in the cell. Rue and Cinna were watching her go back and forth, back and forth.

They had made a plan to get Finnick out of the cell by saying he needed to go to the toilet. Then, as stupid as the guards were, they had let him go by himself to the toilet.

It had been way too long now since he had gone, and Prim couldn’t help but feel like something was very wrong. She had been pacing ever since he had left and now she felt slightly dizzy.

Cinna and Rue hadn’t been as worried about Finnick as Prim had been to begin with, but now, that he had been gone for so long, they could see why Prim was so worried.

The doors opened and Prim, Cinna and Rue swivelled around to see who it was. Snow stood in the doorway whispering to the guards about something. Prim narrowed her eyes at him. He looked up at her and snickered walking towards their cell. 

Prim made her way to the front of the cell. He stood less than a metre from her. I could hurt him, I could. But then the guards would take me away and probably kill me, thought Prim. Reluctantly, she decided not to do anything.

“Primrose, Primrose my dear. We need to tall.” His voice had started out jolly and happy but slowly it had turned hard and emotionless. “Come with me my dear.” Snow unlocked the cell and ushered her out. Quickly he locked the cell again and pocketed the key. Prim made a mental note that the key was in the right pocket, just in case.

The two of them walked out of the room filled to the brim with cells, leaving Rue and Cinna scared for her life and the Careers jealous, thinking she was about to get special training.


Snow led her down a different hallway to the one that she had usually been down. It was dark and Prim couldn’t see the end of the hallway. Suddenly a scream burst through silence of their walking and Prim stopped in her tracks. No, she thought, NO! 

She turned to face Snow. “What have you done with him? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?” she screamed the last half at him. Snow smiled at her.

“I have only done what I needed to do.” Another scream rang through the corridor. Prim began to run towards the screaming. She raced down the hallway and heard another scream; this time she could understand what Finnick had said, “Annie!”

She turned to look back and saw Snow metres behind her, but still following her. Prim skidded around a corner and was met by a complete glass wall. She stopped in front of it.

Inside were trees with lush green leaves. Right in front of the glass was a clearing in the trees where Finnick sat, rocking back and forth. There were birds fluttering around his head. He screamed Annies’ name again.

Snow walked up behind and said. “Jabberjays. They can imitate human conversations. But in this case we are using them as torture by making them mimic the screams of a persons loved ones, much like in the 75th Hunger Games.”

“Finnick!” Prim screamed tapping helplessly on the glass. “Finnick, it isn’t real! FINNICK!” she punched the glass to try and get his attention. Snow laughed heartily.

“He can’t hear you. Where you are standing now, he sees as just more trees.” Prim turned to Snow.

“Why did you bring me here?” She looked at Snow, disgust in her eyes. Snow laughed thinking that Prim was such a stupid girl that knew nothing about the world around her.

“I brought you here to teach you a lesson. If you and your friends try to overrun me again there will be big consequences. Much like this torture.” He gestured towards the glass.

“What exactly did he do?” Prim asked Snow. She only knew that Finnick was going to try and talk to Snow. She knew that it probably wouldn’t work but did it really call for torture?

Snow looked throught the glass at Finnick crouching on the ground in pain. “Let’s just say that he saw something that he should not have seen.”  He turned back towards Prim with a gleam in his eyes.

“Now, you come back with me to your cell. You can’t help him now.” Prim knew he was right. There was no way that she could help him, even though she really wanted too. Reluctantly she nodded.

Prim began walking down the hall back to where the cells were, Snow at her side.


“What did he want?” Cinna and Rue looked Prim up and down check to see if there were any scratch marks or bruises. 

“Umm...” Prim struggled to decide whether or not to tell the truth. She looked behind her and saw the two guards staring intently at her. She decided to lie. 

“Um, he just wanted to say that he thought I would be a very big part in the bringing down of Katniss. He said that he was surprised by how well I could shoot a bow and arrow and he compared me to Katniss saying that I was almost as good as her.” She fake grimaced at the part about being compared to Katniss and she saw the concern die in Cinna and Rues’ eyes.

“That is great news Prim!” he exclaimed and the guards kept on moving. “He trusts you. Now we just have to put the plan into place.” He whispered just loud enough for both Rue and Prim to hear.

She grimaced at him feeling so guilty that she didn’t tell them what he had really shown her. Without warning the door into the cell room burst open. Two guards stood supporting a screaming Finnick. He seemed to be leaning all of his weight onto one of the guards because the guards footing was slipping slightly.

“Annie!” he screamed. One of the guards punched him in the gut and he doubled over. Suddenly they shoved him against the cell door and opened it letting him fall onto the ground. They slammed it shut again and walked out. As they passed the other guards they murmured, “Good luck with him.”

They left smirking with contempt. Prim stood still, looking at Finnick from afar. Cinna had made his way over to try and help Finnick, but he seemed like he was in a trace, and wasn’t going to come out from it anytime soon.

He scrambled to his feet and tried to push himself through the cell door mumbling. “I must save Annie. I must save Annie!” The careers, whose cell was only a couple down, all sighed. 

The guards called lights out and everybody, except Finnick, all started to settle down for the night. He continued to try and make his way out of the cell and was mumbling “Annie,” every few minutes.

Slowly he began to calm down, but by this time most of the other captives had already fallen asleep, including Cinna and Rue. Finnick curled himself up and mumbled “Annie.” one more time before he fell asleep.

Prim sat up against the back wall of the cell, its’ cold bricks cooling her skin. She sat looking at Finnick thinking about what she was supposed to do now that he was gone. She didn’t have a clue.

Slowly her eyelids drooped and she fell into a sleep plagued with nightmares and torture.

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