5. Katniss Everdeen

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Katniss was crouched down beside a grave tears rolling down her cheeks. She placed a bunch of flowers down beside the name engraved on it; Primrose Everdeen.

She missed her so much. Katniss would never forgive President Coin, or even Gale. Gale was probably the one who made the bombs, with Beetee, that killed Prim. Although, killing President Coin had made her feel slightly better; it would never bring Prim back.

She stood up straight and tall and walked out of the Victors Village cemetery. She wiped her tears away thinking about her sisters’ grave. Her body was never found but they still felt they had to make a grave for her. That is probably what hurt Katnisss’ mother the most.

Even since Prims’ death she hasn’t spoken much, even to Katniss. She could still fend for herself though. Katniss would always go to check on her at least once a week.

She walked the path back to the houses. Her two houses were across from each other. Instead of turning right to Peetas’ house, she turned left towards her old house where her mother was still living.

Katniss walked up to the stairs to the door and knocked quietly. She didn’t wait for a reply, opened the door and walked inside.

Inside was a mess. There were clothes strewn everywhere and there were food scrapes scattered along the floor. 

“Jeez mum,” Katniss breathed, “You’re as bad as Haymitch.”

She made her way slowly around the clothes and food and found herself in her old living room. Her mother was sitting in one of the arm chairs facing the television. She was staring intently at the television even though there was nothing playing on it.

Katniss crept her way to in front of the chair and crouched down in front of her. Her mother stared eerily past Katniss and didn’t say anything. 

“Mother…” she didn’t move or acknowledge her in any way. “Mother, please answer me. I know exactly how you are feeling; we are both going through this. Please answer me, even if it is only for Prims’ sake.”

At the word Prim she turned and looked Katniss in the eyes. Katniss sat still, stunned.  “Katniss…?” She spoke! Katniss thought, She actually spoke!

Katniss stood and leapt onto her mother and enclosed her in a bear hug. Slowly her mother raised her hands around her daughter and returned the hug.

They sat that way for a few minutes. Slowly they peeled themselves away from each other. They sat next to each other on the small, ragged couch for a while in silence. Katniss was savouring these moments more than her mother would ever know. Not just because she had never been close to her, but because she knew that something bad was coming and she was preparing for the worst. 

Katniss would never normally prepare for the worst, but she had a feeling that if she was going to go down, which she thought would happen; she wanted to be protecting her family. 

“Katniss,” her mother croaked. Katniss turned to face her, “Katniss, is something wrong?” She always had known when something was up with Katniss even though they had never been close.

She sighed, “Yes, something is wrong.” Her mother stared intently at her and Katniss continued, “I can’t shake the feeling that something bad is going to happen. I don’t know if I’m just freaking out for no reason or if something really is wrong.”

Her mother smiled sideways at her. “You have your fathers’ instincts. They are never wrong and I mean never. If you have a bad feeling something is definitely wrong Katniss.”

Katniss nodded. She knew her mother was right; she did have her fathers’ instincts. Those, mixed with hunting instincts were a powerful concoction. 

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