17. Primrose Everdeen

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The sounds in the street were unnerving. Prim hadn’t slept in two days because of all of the noises. Even the smallest sound would send a rush of nervousness through her. She was so scared that everyone was going to be found.

During the day, or what Prim thought was day time, they would correspond with the other groups of people hiding in the streets. Each group had said over the two days they had also heard strange noises, which only made Prim worry more.

During the nights, Prim would sometimes hear crying coming from the other streets. All of the houses on the streets seemed deserted so Prim knew no one would be crying in there.

Prim stared up at the sky. For the past two days the sky had been covered in clouds and this was the first time in ages that she had been able to see the stars. Actually, it had been years since she had seen them.

They sparkled brightly in the sky. It was as if they were there just for her. She lay down on the concrete ground. It was cold on her back, but she only cared about the stars.

Prim wondered if Katniss was looking up at these stars too. A tear slid down her cheek quickly. Suddenly, there was tear after tear after tear sliding down her face. She missed her sister so much. 

“Prim. Prim. Are you crying?” Someone whispered to her.

She turned her head and saw her father sitting up looking at her worriedly. “Yes.” She flung herself into her father’s strong arms and sobbed hard.

“It’s okay sweetie, it’s okay. I’m here for you now.” He tried to sooth her, patting her on the back. Prim nuzzled herself further into his shoulder.

“I miss Katniss so much!” Prim sobbed. “I hate the fact that I missed half of her life. I hate it! I wish I could have still been alive to see her live her life with Peeta. I wish Snow hadn’t brought me back and make me have to feel all of this guilt!”

“No you don’t Prim. I’m pretty confident that you miss her and would do anything to see her right now. I’m sure you don’t wish that you were dead. You just wish you didn’t die, but you most definitely want to be alive now.”

“But I won’t see her. She is in District 12, and I am here! She doesn’t know that I am alive, and she doesn't know that Snow is still alive! There is no way that I will see her again, because before I even get the chance, Snow will probably take me away again!” 

“Prim, listen to me.” Mr. Everdeen grabbed her shoulders and forced her to face him. “Snow will not take you away again, I will not allow it. And remember, Katniss has great instincts, I’m sure she knows something isn’t right. For all you know, she could be on her way here right now. So stop acting this way, and be strong enough to lead these people so you can make your sister proud!”

Prim sniffled and wiped the tears away. She nodded. “Okay, I can do this! I know I can!” She so wanted to make her sister proud.

“I new you could, and never doubted you! Now, please try and get some sleep. I think tomorrow will be a very hectic day!” Mr. Everdeen kissed her softly on her head and lay back down on the rough ground.

Prim shuffled over, back to her spot, and lay down too. The sky had now gone overcast again, blocking out the stars. Prim thought it was reflecting her mood perfectly. Hiding. She was trying to hide her feelings and trying to hide from what everyone else wanted her to do. To lead them.

The sky was doing the same. It was hiding the stars from everyone. Trying to protect them. Prim was trying to protect everyone from being hurt because of her bad leadership.

Prim sighed softly and stared up into the clouds, hoping that tomorrow wouldn’t be as her father had said. A hectic day. Slowly, her eyes got heavier, and heavier and finally, she was asleep for the first time in years.

Berries of Revenge - A Hunger Games FanFiction (Wattys2014)Where stories live. Discover now