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  • Dedicated to Everybody that actually reads these awesome poems and doesn't skip over them!

I KNOW I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN AGES!!! Please don't hurt me.... I'll update soon... I PROMISE!!! Anyways, here is a poem by @MockingjayGirl100!! She is awesome!

District 12's Warrior

Katniss Everdeen

She was only 17 years old.

17…and a girl from district 12.

One of the lowest districts of Panem held.

So who would of thought one girl,

One girl who had the guts to challenge the games.

Games that once was seen as entertainment,

For the capitol.

But was it really?!

Was killing innocent young lives really fun?

After 75 seasons one finally stood up.

It was a day no one would ever forget.

The 74th Hunger Games started like any other.

Traveling from districts 1-12 to reap/or volunteer,

One boy and one girl from each district.

Districts 1-11 had no problems searching.

But in twelve a sense of hope came.

Katniss Everdeen couldn't bare the thought,

Of her little sister entering in the games,

When it was only her first time experience being reaped.

Panic welled in with fear.

And never did she think her words would change everything.

"I volunteer…I volunteer as tribute!"

From then on whatever Katniss did.

People saw not only hope but a leader in her.

From being the top competitor in the games,

To fooling even the most powerful people of all.

Though she still didn't see the image she was creating,

She felt scared and insecure at times.

But with friends along the way….

As people began to be inspired by her.

Her strength grew.

For which was needed when her allies became endangered.

And the girl from district 12 had to show her rebellious side,

She once had for her sister.


Now, on with some more by @Burritoyum147!

Myra "The Venom of His Heart"

Forced silence,

Never a virtue one would ask for.

The pain, the torture,

Never could one wish to endure.

Just once,

She thought she’d help.

But the snake, she’s learned, has ears.

Its gnarled fangs

Sink further

Into the shed blood and tears.

All she wanted

Was to help

All she tried to do

Was save another.

And now, she’s decided, that snake will pay

For all the wrongings they’re sure to uncover.

How accurate is that... seriously... I just love these! Onto the next one!

Mr. Everdeen "The Eyes of the Despised"

 The tears

that have leaked

from the crevice of his


Enraged by

the man

he’s always


His daughters

never safe

from a killer so


His words of hate

slash like the

sharp blade of a


With tears

his grey eyes

glisten and


One daughter arosen,

the other

now a


Never will

he forget

the years stolen

from their


As he looks

straight ahead

into cold,



I love this one so, so much I just can't begin to describe how much I love it! Finally one so far by @Burritoyum147! 

Rue "A Life Finally Worth Living"

I am stumbling aimlessly throughout this second life

While laying at my throat threatens a cold and rusted knife.

How long were we gone from this world of hate and threat

Burdened so immensely that we broke down and wept

Away the pain, the sorrow and hurt

With the bright lights and horror following in bursts

When will we escape

This life so full of haste

That we forget who we are, what we were, how to wish

Upon those bright stars covered by layers of thick mist

I'll never know how to stop feeling incomplete

How to convince myself there's no longer the need

For the Games that killed thousands

That were instead replaced by new life and houses

This is the life that is filled with love and giving

This is a life that's finally worth living.

Isn't she just so awesome at these!!! They are just so perfect! I'll be updating this chapter with more poema soon, and I will update for real very, very soon!!

Berries of Revenge - A Hunger Games FanFiction (Wattys2014)Where stories live. Discover now