10. Primrose Everdeen

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Prim stared though the bars at the careers. They were all gathered together, whispering to each other. Occasionally, one of them would look over their shoulder at her.

Prim was confused by what they were doing. Why did they keep looking over at her, and why were they being so secretive? She guessed they were being secretive because they were Careers after all, but as to why they kept looking at her, she had no idea.

Prim turned away from the careers, checking to see if Finnick was finally asleep. She had been up basically the whole night, looking after him. Rue had offered to help but she had told her to get some sleep. Prim enjoyed helping people that needed it.

Finnick, after many hours of screaming and thrashing, had finally fallen asleep. Prim smiled at his relaxed body. She had been so worried about him, and she definitely didn’t want to go to sleep and find that something bad had happened to him, or anyone else.

She looked out through bars behind Finnick and saw that there were specks of light peeking through the small window on the wall. Prim smiled and shook her head; Of course it is almost morning now because he has finally fallen asleep.

Prim sat for the rest of the morning, waiting for everyone else to stir, occasionally looking over at the careers. They talked for the whole rest of the morning. Slowly, the sun spread its way into all of the corners of each cell. Eventually, all of Snow’s captives woke. Finnick was the last of them.

Rue and Cinna shuffled over to Prim, looking concerned. “Prim!” Rue exclaimed, “You look terrible!”

Prim laughed. “Thanks for the vote of confidence Rue. I haven’t slept at all.” She yawned widely.

Cinna shuffled up to Prim and grasped both hands around her face. “Primrose! You must get your sleep!”

Prim fought her way out of Cinna’s grip. “Yes, yes I know. I was looking after Finnick all night okay. I thought he deserved to be looked after because of what he has just been through.”

All three of them looked over at Finnick who was rubbing his eyes, trying to wake himself up. Cinna looked back at Prim, his eyes glazed. “You are too sweet for your own good Primrose! Too sweet and caring!”

He lunged at Prim, giving her a bear hug. She giggled and tried to push him off with all of her might. Cinna finally let go of her, smiling widely.

Rue and Cinna both said in unison, “Get some sleep. We will look after Finnick now.” They left to go over to Finnick, leaving Prim to disagree with them by herself.

She sighed and knew there was no point in arguing with them. Prim tried her hardest to get comfortable and sleep, but she just couldn’t. 

Prim decided to sit with her back on the wall and do nothing. Suddenly, she heard a sound from behind her. She spun her head around only to find the careers behind her.

“What do you want?” She asked, spite in her voice. She had always disliked the careers.

Clove, a girl with brown hair that was from District 2, held her hand to her lips signalling for Prim to be quiet. “Speak quieter. We don’t want the guards to get suspicious.”

Prim stared at the careers. Why were they even talking to her? “Fine.” She whispered. “What do you want?”

Clove exchanged a look with Cato, the other tribute from District 2, and nodded. “We,” Cate cast his eyes around to Clove, Glimmer and Marvel, “don’t want a war. And we think that you can help stop it.”

Prim snorted a little. “You, the careers, don’t want a war? What has gotten into you? Did those berries change you or something?”

Glimmer sighed. “We are the same as you. We have never wanted a war. And we have never wanted the games. We were forced into it. Please, you are out best chance.” Glimmers’ eyes sparkled and Prim knew then and there how she had gotten that name.

Prim looked around at every person. All of Snow’s captives didn’t want to fight. No one did, not even the careers. They all seemed to look to her as their leader, but she didn’t know how she was supposed to ‘lead’ them.

Slowly, she nodded. “I will help you. I realise that you too were forced into the games so I will help you fight this war. But I don’t think I would be the best person to lead you. I’m only small and not very capable of much.”

Marvel laughed. “You are the little sister of Katniss right?” Prim nodded. “Well then, you’ll have no trouble at all leading us then. You are so much like your sister and you don’t even realise it.”

Prim felt a rush of happiness go through her. They thought she was like her sister. Her sister was her idol. Prim knew now, that she would definitely be able to lead them. To make her sister proud.

“So, do you have any plans Primrose?” Clove asked, making herself comfortable on the hard stone ground. Prim thought for a moment then nodded.

“Yes. Yes I do.” Prim explained her plan to the careers. All of them sat awe struck at the plan she had concocted. It was brilliant and so well thought through. It was almost fault less. Almost.

“See,” said Marvel, “I knew you would do a great job!” Clove, Cato and Glimmer all nodded vigorously in agreement.

Prim smiled and looked over her shoulder at Finnick, Rue and Cinna all sitting together in a group. Finnick looked somewhat more alive than he did yesterday, which sent a wave of relief through Prim’s body.

She smiled. And moved away from the careers to go and talk with Finnick. He looked up as she walked towards him and smiled. He actually smiled. Prim was so happy.

“Finnick, how are you doing?” she rest one of her hands on his thigh.

“Better.” He stopped for a moment, his eyes glazing over. Suddenly a stricken yelled was sent through the cells. “ANNIE!” He yelled.

Prim’s smiled faded. She couldn’t believe she had thought he would heal so quickly from being tortured. She couldn’t believe she had just agreed to lead everyone against Snow. How was she supposed to do that, when she couldn’t even help Finnick?

The door into the cell room opened and four guards strode in. “Time to go!” One of them called, unlocking each of the cells in turn. “Time to go and see President Snow!” 

He unlocked the cell Prim was in with extra care, the other two guards advancing towards Finnick. They each grabbed an arm and began dragging him out of the room. Once the first guard had unlocked all of the cells he called “Follow me and don’t try any funny business or you’ll end you like your friend over there.” He nodded towards Finnick.

Each of them filed out of their cell and followed the guard to Snow. Prim and Clove exchanged a look. She knew exactly what Clove wanted her to do. 

Clove wanted Prim to begin her plan.

So how did you like it? I had a HUGE case of writers block so forgive me if it is a bit lame.... anyways, I would like to thank WizardingWeasley for my awesome new cover! Don't you just love it? So, comment and vote and please let me know what you think of this and what you want to happen next!

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