14. Johanna Mason

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“What on earth is that crappy smell?” Johanna said, crumpling her nose. Katniss laughed. They had been talking about what had been happening lately, and why each of them was in Snow’s house.

“Haven’t you ever smelt Snow’s lovely white roses?” Katniss got up, letting go of Peeta’s hand gently, and walked over to the set of drawers just in the hallway from the door. Katniss picked up the vase, and brought it over.

Johanna sniggered. “Of course I have. I would remember that smell anywhere, but this smell is different to them…” she trailed off slightly.

“Well, just to make sure it isn’t just the roses, take a whiff.” Katniss didn't give her much of a choice, she thrust the vase under Johanna’s nose just as she took a breath.

Johanna breathed in. “It is them!” She exclaimed jumping up.

“Oh,” Katniss said, “I wonder what is different about them…” She looked down at the vase, puzzlement plastered on her face. Slowly, she turned and made her way back to the drawers.

Suddenly, Katniss heard Peeta scream. “KATNISS!” She turned around just in time to see Johanna fall to the ground. She rushed forwards and immediately checked to see if she still had a she was breathing.

She sighed. “She’ll be okay, she is still breathing. Do you know what happened to her?” Katniss looked up at Peeta. He sat, shock plastered on his face.

“All I saw was her standing there with a smile on her face, then suddenly she collapsed.” Peeta looked worriedly down at Johanna. 

“Hmmm…” Katniss looked down at Johanna too. She was trying to think of what might have caused it. Katniss went over the past events since Johanna had arrived. Suddenly, she gasped. 

“Maybe it was the roses? I mean, maybe Snow made some kind of… version of his putrid roses that knocks someone out? It is just a theory though…” Katniss trailed off, no faith in her idea.

“No, that could be what he did. I wouldn’t put it past him either. It’s not like he hasn’t done things like that in the past like those jabberjay’s.” Peeta scooted of his seat, and kneeled down next to Johanna.

“So, how are we going to wake her up?” Peeta asked.

“Well, we could just wait for her to wake up naturally or,” Katniss smiled widely, “we could get some cold water and-” 

Peeta stood up swiftly and said, “I’m on it!” then rushed off, looking for the kitchen. Katniss laughed slightly, then checked Johanna’s breathing again. Steady as before.

“Well Johanna, you will be in for a big surprise! I just hope it works…” Katniss’s smile fell off her face. Suddenly, bad thoughts flooded her mind.

What if she doesn't wake up after the cold water? What if she never wakes up again? What if only Snow can reverse the… whatever concoction he made? What if…

Katniss shook her head violently. Why had she let such evil thoughts even cross her mind? Katniss sniffled slightly. She hated the thought of more of her friends dying at possibly the hands of Snow.

She suddenly heard a moan from near her. Katniss looked down, wide eyed at a restless Johanna. Katniss squealed with relief. “Johanna!” She flung her arms around an only just awake Johanna.

“What’s up with you? Seriously, get off me!” Johanna untangled herself from Katniss’s grasp. “So, what happened to me?” 

Suddenly Katniss heard a scuffle from behind her. She swivelled her head around and saw Peeta charging towards them, a bucket in his hand. “Oh, there is no-”All of a sudden, there was water drenching both Katniss and Johanna.

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