9. Katniss Everdeen

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Katniss flew around her room, gathering clothes and her most prized possession, her bow. She packed all of her stuff into a large, shabby leather suitcase. Katniss tried as hard as she could to fit her bow in but with no such luck. 

She sighed and slung it over her shoulder. It wasn't ideal to have it showing, but it was the best she could do. Speedily, she zipped up the suitcase and made a last minute check around the room. 

The only things left of hers' were small knick knacks or pictures of her and Peeta. On her bed stand, stood her favourite picture. It was of her, Peeta and her children. They all were smiling proudly, even Katniss who hadn't smiled very much after Prims' death. Her kids were only small but she could tell that they would turn out to be strong people, even if she wasn't there to see it.

A tear ran down Katniss' cheek, then another, then another. She wiped them away furiously. She set the picture back down and gathered up her things. She took a deep breath and made her way towards the door.

As she reached for the handle, the door flung open, almost knocking her out. Peeta stood in the doorway, his eyes wild. "What do you think you are doing?" said Peeta, although he didn't yell, Katniss knew he was furious with her.

"Packing." She stated briefly.

"Packing for what?" Peeta stood tall in front of her, eyebrows raised.

"Packing for a trip." Katniss was trying as best she could to keep her real intentions a secret.

"A trip to where?" Peeta was going to get to the bottom of what she was hiding no matter what.

Katniss sighed heavily. "Fine, you are going to get it out of me sooner or later. I am going to the Capitol, or what was the Capitol." She relaxed slightly. Secretly, she was glad he knew what she was doing.

"Why on earth are you going to the Capitol?" Peeta stared at her exasperatedly.

"I am going to the Capitol to see if my feeling is right. To make sure that nothing is as it shouldn't be."

The two stood in silence for a moment. Peeta broke it by saying, "Well then. I'll guess I'll go get my bag." He pushed himself past Katniss, and made his way into their room.

"Wait just a moment. You're not coming with me! You have to stay here and help Effie and Haymitch with the kids!" Katniss exclaimed.

"No actually, I don't. You just proved to me that there will be other people to look after then. I wouldn't be necessary. Whereas, when it comes to your plan, I am absolutely necessary." 

Peeta knelt down and reached under the bed drawing out his very own suitcase, made of tattered leather. He stood and looked at a shocked Katniss, "So? Are we going now?"

Katniss just stared at him. Peeta walked towards her and waved his hand in front of her face. "Katniss?" he called, "Katniss, are you in there?"

"You," she stopped, her fists clenched, "You knew I was going to the Capitol, didn't you?"

Peeta laughed. "Well, don't you think I would know what my wife would be thinking? I went through two Hunger Games with you. Of course I know when you are going to plan on taking down the Capitol." He stopped for a moment. "Again!"

They stared at each other for a moment. Then Peeta smiled and began to laugh. Katniss softened a little. She knew he did have a point.

She sighed heavily. "Fine, you can come with me. But I'm not taking down the Capitol. I'm just checking to see if my feeling is correct or not." She turned on her heel and made her way down the hall, Peeta following behind her.

They passed each of their children's rooms in turn. Each time, Katniss felt a pang of pain. She didn't want to leave them but, really, it was her only choice.

Peeta sighed softly. He thought about the last time he saw her this worked up. It was just after the Capitol bombing, when she had seen Prim die. She was so conflicted then. Just like she was now.

Peeta reached out and grabbed her shoulder. They stopped a metre before the door. Katniss turned to face him, her eyes red, and glassy.

Peeta pulled her in for a hug. They stood together for a while. They both knew that there was a high possibility that Katniss was right, and that something bad was going to happen. They also knew it was likely, one or even both of them might die trying to save everybody. Again. 

There was only so many times you could go into battle before getting seriously hurt, or dying. 

Katniss released herself from his grip and made her way towards the door. She rested her hand on the handle for a moment.

Peeta stood patiently behind her. Katniss took a deep breath and turned the golden handle letting the cool night air sneak its way into the house.

They filed out of the house. Peeta shut the door with a small click and turned to find Katniss already down the stairs and on her way out of the Village.

Peeta chuckled and began making his way towards her. "Nothing good ever comes from her feelings. Look where her loving me got us." He shook his head.

Katniss looked over her shoulder, "What was that?" she smiled at him for the first time in days. It was a real smile. One that reached her eyes and made them sparkle.

"Oh nothing, nothing..." Peeta trailed off pretending to be vague.

Katniss laughed. Peeta felt a rush of happiness. She hadn't done that in ages. He jogged up to her and took her hand in his. 

They walked together out of the Victors Village and into the world of the unknown.

So, I know this wasn't the most exciting chapter ever, but please forgive me. I hurt my wrist and i have been having a lot of trouble typing. None the less, I hope you enjoyed!

Please vote and comment if you enjoyed! And to any silent readers out there, i would love to hear your thoughts on this! Thanks for all of your support on this project! it means alot!

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