16. Katniss Everdeen

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  • Dedicated to You patient people!

“I’m only going to ask you once more. Why are you here and how did you get here?” Katniss looked down at the guard below her. She made sure to put careful inflection on just the right words.

The guard knelt with his hands tied behind his back on the rough carpet. His heart raced as he looked up at the ever so famous, Katniss Everdeen. “I… I…” He faltered for the millionth time, trying to tell her what was happening.

Katniss sighed. He was starting to get on her nerves. The guard had now wasted over an hour trying to answer her simple questions. Peeta and Johanna had left a long time ago because he had started to get on their nerves a lot earlier than Katniss.

Katniss had patience when it came to finding out the truth, but this guy was pushing her buttons. Katniss knelt down so that she was on the same level as the intruder. “Please, please answer my questions. If you are working for Snow,” the guards eyes widened, “I won’t tell him about this. I know how he manipulates people. Please, tell me what I ask.”

The guard nodded and took a deep breathe. “You are right. Snow is still alive, and I am working for him.” He shivered slightly. “He sent me here, to his old house, to deactivate a contraption of his. And before you ask, I don’t know what it is or does, all he said was where it was, and how to deactivate it.” Katniss closed her open mouth in disappointment.

“But how did you actually get here? Did he send you via a train or something?” Katniss sat down on the floor and made herself comfortable.

“That’s the thing, I don’t actually know how I got here. One minute I am standing in his office, then next, I am out the back of his house.” He shrugged slightly. “There is like a wall of bushes lining the back wall, so I climbed it up into this room. I searched for a few seconds before you came in so I wasn’t able to find anything.”

Katniss sat in front of him for a while staring at the guards kind looking chocolate eyes. “Why are you working for him?”

The guards eyes flashed. He gulped and began to explain in a low voice. “He threatened me. I was there, in the mines at District 12, when he set off the explosion. I was one of the very few survivors. The ones he hadn’t planned on.”

“Mr. Everdeen, your father Katniss, had been planning on rebelling against Snow and the Capitol. He was trying to get everyone in on his plan that worked in the mines. Everyone was all for it, except one person. Mr. Hawthorne.” The guard took a shaky breathe. Katniss stared at him intently a million things circling around her mind at once.

“I was all for the plan. Every single step of the way, I was with your father. From the very beginning I wanted Snow to be brought down. But Snow had other plans. Someone from the mines leaked all of the plans to him. I think you can guess who that was Katniss?”

“Mr. Hawthorne.” The guard nodded solemnly.

“One day at the mines, an explosion was set off killing almost everyone in the mines, except me, your father and a few others.” Katniss’s eyes flashed. He’s alive? she thought. “Snow was so careless with the explosion, he even killed the person that helped him find out about the plans.” There was a small smirk on the guards face.

“The explosion went off and I was knocked up against a wall, but I was still conscious. I was unable to move, but my other senses where perfectly intact. I watched as Snow waltzed up to your father, who was curled up in a ball on the ground. He stood over him, smiled and said ‘Did I foil your plans?’ Your father just chuckled a bit.” Katniss shivered slightly even though it was a very warm room.

“I sat and watched as four guards of his came into the destroyed mines and dragged him away. Snow stayed in the mines for a few minutes after looking around at the havoc he had caused. Suddenly, he was staring at me with his cold eyes. The last thing I remember is him dragging me out of the mines.”

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