13. Myra

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  • Dedicated to Everyone who has stuck with Berries from the beginning!

Myra ran and ran as far away as she could. But someone was slowing her down. An old man with grey eyes from the seam. He was old and frail now, but Myra could tell he used to be a strong fighter and hunter.

Myra and the man had been running for ages now, trying to find an exit to Snow’s prison. Every time they had come close, a guard had been in the way. Although, they had never been seen by one of the guards.

Myra wasn’t very familiar with all of the prison. She had only ever been to Snow’s office and the kitchen, so she didn’t know where they were, or where they were headed.

They ran down a large spacious corridor that had only one set of big doors on them. Please don’t open! Myra thought. Please don’t open! Crap… The doors flung open and a small blonde girl rushed out leading a large pack of people behind her.

Myra stopped in shock. The old man ran into the back of her. The girl rushed towards her, fear in her eyes. There was a tall boy with sea green eyes behind her. Finnick! Myra thought in relief.

“Finnick!” She mouthed. His eyes widened and he rushed even faster forwards. He stopped just in front of her and hugged her. “How are you not dead?” Myra mouthed, pushing away from him.

Finnick smiled. “Guess I’m just lucky! Thanks again for… whatever you gave me!” Myra smiled. She watched as the small, blonde girl came closer. As she watched, she saw the girl had, what appeared to be burns all across her, although she still looked beautiful.

The girl stood next to Finnick, her choppy blonde hair flowing just over her slim shoulders. “This,” Finnick gestured to the girl, “is Primrose Everdeen, sister of Katniss Everdeen.” Prim smiled  slightly. Myra could tell she didn’t trust easily.

She waved silently, and mouthed the words, “Hi, I’m Myra… Myra…” She realised that she didn’t even know her own last name. Either, she had never been told it, or had forgotten it over the many years she had spent serving Snow. A wave of sadness engulfed her.

Prim’s eyes gleamed with sadness. She knew what had happened. Myra didn’t know her own full name. “There is no need to know our full names. Please, call me Prim.” She smiled sweetly.

Myra nodded sadly. Suddenly, she felt a nudge in the side of her stomach. Myra looked around to see the old man looking wide eyed at Prim. Myra raised her eyebrows.

The old man walked towards a nervous looking Prim and touched the side of her cheek softly. “Prim… is it really you Prim?” 

Prim stared at him for a moment. Suddenly, her eyes filled with tears and she flung her arms around the old man. “DAD!” she squealed.

Finnick stood stunned. He had heard the story of Katniss and Prim’s dad. He had died in a mining accident, or so the story went. Prim released herself from the hug she looked her father up and down.

“But, how are you here? I thought you died in a mining accident!” Prim looked quizzically at her father. There was a bang, a loud one that reverberated throughout the whole building.

“We had better go, I will fill you in with the details once we are safe, okay.” Mr. Everdeen grabbed Prim’s hand and began to run. Finnick and Myra followed, and everyone else who had run out behind them, did too.

They ran, and ran for ages. Suddenly Mr. Everdeen stopped and peeked around the corner. Swiftly, he signalled for everyone to follow. He pushed a set of double doors open, and led everyone into the night.


Once they all had found a place to stay, in a small dark alley somewhere outside of where Snow had held them captive, Prim sat down with her father, Finnick, Myra and the careers, and talked.

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