12. President Snow

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Just warning you... be prepared to hate me.... be prepared.... and sorry if it is short..... I will make the next chapter WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY longer!! I just had to do my school work!!!!! Enjoy.... as much as you can.....

Snow knew something wasn’t right. Ever since Myra had been locked away he had had a sick feeling in his stomach. It was the same feeling after Katniss had defied him with his berries. The feeling that someone was rebelling. 

It scared him. He hated the thought of losing again. Snow shivered slightly, remembering the last time he had failed. There was a small knock at his door.

“Come in.” Snow sighed.

A small, black haired man strolled in. He had tanned skin and dark eyes. His hair seemed a bit too long for a man. “Everyone is assembled in the training room. They are just waiting for you to arrive.” 

Snow nodded and dismissed the man with the flick of his wrist. The guard looked slightly put out but didn’t question Snow. He left without another word.

Snow sighed and slowly made his way out of his quarters and down the hall. The walk to the training hall was so long, it had always annoyed him because he had to travel so far to get there.

Snow stopped. He had heard a thump. He didn’t know exactly what it was, but he had a bad feeling about it. Snow stood in the same spot for a while, waiting to see if it happened again. It didn’t. Although Snow didn’t like it, he knew he had to go.

Snow walked and walked, until he finally got to the training room. He pushed the door open and saw everyone was already training. He didn’t like that. He felt that control was slowly slipping away from him, and whoever had let them start early… well, they would have to pay.

Snow turned to one of the guards. “Did you let them start early?”

The guard was taken aback. “Yes. They were getting restless so I thought they should start early.” He stood, scared in front of Snow. He knew that Snow was angry with him.

Snow clenched his fists. “I’ll deal with you later.” He walked off to his chair. It was a comfortable, leather one and he could see every single person from it.

He sat and looked at each person in turn. They all seemed to be training hard. Prim stood with a bow and arrow in hand. She was poised to shoot but just before she did she looked over her shoulder to someone.

Snow followed her gaze and found who she was communicating with. Clove. She stood at the sword fighting area, waiting for her turn. Clove shook her head and mouthed something at Prim which Snow couldn’t make out. Prim nodded slightly, and let her arrow fly. As usual, it hit the middle of the target.

Snow felt sick. He didn’t know how he knew, but he knew they were planning something. Right under his nose they had been making a plan against him. He couldn’t believe how blind he had been. But Snow still didn’t quite understand why a career was working with someone from District 12, let alone the sister of Katniss Everdeen.

Cato waltzed up to Clove and whispered something. All Snow could see was Clove shaking her head again. Cato smiled at her, and walked back over to the fighting station. Marvel was in a fight with someone. Snow had never bothered to learn all of the tributes names, only the important ones.

Marvel thumped his opponent and they fell to the ground. He smiled victoriously and walked over to Cato. He whispered something in Marvels ear then thumped him on the back. Snow was getting increasingly nervous.

Marvel cracked his knuckles and walked to the fishing station. Glimmer stood trying to make something. When she saw Marvel she mouthed something, and this time Snow could make it out. “Now?” She asked him. Marvel shook his head and mouthed back “Soon, very soon.”

Snow knew what was happening. All of the careers from the 74th Games were working with Prim to take him down. He was shocked. Why on earth would they want to destroy him? He gave District 1 and 2 the best materials yet they seemed to despise him.

Snow stood and was about to call all of them over, but he was interrupted by the guard. “SNOW!” the guard rushed forwards. “I have back news. Prisoners have escaped!”

“Who?” Snow asked nervously. He hoped it wasn’t who he thought it would be.

“We only know one of them. But the other, no one knows. We-” Snow didn’t wait for him to finish, he was taking too long to get to the point.

Snow pushed past the guard and ran down the hallway. They prison cells were on the other side of his camp, but he didn’t care. He ran and ran and ran.

Halfway there, he couldn’t breathe but continued because he needed to know if it was who he thought. Finally he arrived at the front of the cell block. 

Snow raced past guards and cells with confused prisoners. He ran and ran to the very back, to the most protected cells. Finally he stood in front of the two cells.

Both of them were open. He knew who had been in one of them. But he couldn’t remember the other prisoner.

Myra had escaped. But not only Myra. Myra and a dangerous prisoner had escaped.

You guys are going to hate me!!! Sorry, I had to do it, I just HAD to!! Anyways, I somehow had time to write this even though I have like a thousand pieces of homework.... Anyways, I hope you enjoy cliff-hangers!! Vote, comment and let me know if there is anything you want to say!! And again, sorry for how short it is!

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