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Seems like no matter how fast I run, I never get anywhere. Terrible and frightening dreams make their way into my head at night, since I was two. After mom left it just got worse and dad would make me sleep with Flynn. Flynn was the only one to make them go away. When I'd wake up screaming he would be the fastest one into my room and he'd stay all night.

Fifteen years later and I still get these nightmares.

I woke up in cold sweat gasping for air. Some how I managed to hold back from screaming out loud, thank God. If I made one little scream Flynn would come running in here.

I glanced over at the clock. I still had a couple of hours until I had to get up for school. I rolled over back into bed and moved around until I got comfortable then closed my eyes waiting for sleep to come.

* * * * * * * * * *

"Get up" Flynn said snatching the blanket from over me.

"Buzz off I'm trying to sleep"

"Get up. We have school"

"I don't wanna go" I whined. Keeping my eyes shut I searched for the blanket, but couldn't find it.

"Don't make me bring you like this"

"Har har not like I've never been to school in my pj's anyway"

"You've got dance practice today" I opened my eyes and shot out of bed.

"To the bathroom dun dun dun" I ran to the bathroom shutting the door behind me.

"I'll be in the kitchen" Flynn said through the door.

Leaving the bathroom I slipped on my clothes for school and ran a brush through my hair again. Then I made my way to the kitchen, where dad was sitting at the table reading the newspaper and Flynn was eating a bowl of cereal. He looked up at me and brought his bowl to the sink. "Ready?" He asked.

"Yup" I said moving my hair out of my face.

"Aidan you haven't eaten anything" Dad stated looking up from the paper. He's always called me Aidan and Flynn Hayden. He says they sound better and more twin like then Savannah and Flynn.

"Dad we are going to be late" Flynn told him. Dad glanced at the clock on the stove and turned back wide eyed.

"You've got fifteen minutes to get to school. You better leave now"

"See you" We called over our shoulders to him as we walked out the front door.

"Eat" Flynn ordered throwing a cereal bar at me. I grinned at him and got in the passenger seat of his car. That was my seat, no one will ever take this seat in his car from me. Not even his girlfriends, and he's had a few. They always have to sit in the back when I'm around. "Buckle up" He said and I did.

Yeah we are bad ass and reckless but we always buckled. When we were fifteen, we took our fathers car for a ride on some back roads. We weren't old enough to drive the main roads, so we took to the back ones. We got into a horrible accident and landed in the hospital with horrible injuries. They were surprised we were still alive.

Thank God for the seat buckle because with only fifteen minutes to get to school I knew Flynn was going to go as fast as his car would go, without pushing it too it's limits.

* * * * * * * * * *

We made it to school during homeroom. Who cares anyway Flynn and I rule the school. He parked in the back of the student parking lot, in our spot. Our spot and has been there since freshman year. If anyone parks in our spot we get revenge on them. You know how people say 'Well your names not on it' well our name is on it. We have one of those parking poles on the grass behind the lot and on the tar it says 'Cannon Twins' in paint. Sure it's just a parking space at school, but to my brother and I it's territory.

Wild Love (Teacher/Student)Where stories live. Discover now