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It's been a weeks since Parker was arrested. I wasn't allowed to go see him. The police in town thought if I saw him I'd try to break him out.

The day of the court hearing Flynn and I sat together. Carter, Josh, Paul and Tom sat with the other people in the back of the court room. A few teachers were in the court room along with half the people from the police station. School was going on, but most of us, like Flynn and I, got excused to come here.


I watched as police officer, after police officer went up and told the judge things about Parker. This one pulled him over for speeding, this one for reckless driving, and so on.

After what seemed like forever Parker was called up, to say his part. "Well for one your honor Savannah wasn't apart of me blowing up that cop car"

"So you admit to doing it"


"Under what circumstances?"

"None. I just wanted to" He shrugged his shoulders.

"And did you have any help?"


"Are you sure, this young lady right here had nothing to do with it" The prosecutor asked him, pointing to me.

"She didn't. She wasn't even around when I did it."

"And how long have you been dating?"

"Three months"

"Three months you say. Officer Gordon can you tell us  when all this happened?"

"Around three months ago. The parts of the car we found we're burnt, so we sent the parts out" The police man said.

"Three months is what the test came back saying" The judge said. "Continue Parker"

"Thanks. I did it before I started dating her."

"Witnesses say you were always with each other"

"After we started dating. Look I love Savannah and I'd never let her get into something like that. I just wouldn't. I'm not a heartless person. I love her therefore I'd never put her in jeopardy like that." He looked in my direction and tried not to smile. A couple days ago I found something out, and finally got to tell Parker today, when I saw him outside the court room this morning. Flynn, Carter, Josh, Tom and Paul all know about it. Last night when my father called I told him, and he was excited.


A half hour later the judge spoke. "Parker Todd please stand." Parker stood. "You have testified as guilty and have been found guilty. You are to serve five years in prison. But from now until you turn eighteen you will be in a juvenile hall. After you turn of age you will be moved into a prison close to here and serve the rest of your time there." Parker sat back down. "Savannah Cannon please stand" I did. "You have been found not guilty of any charges brought against you. You're free to life as you were" He stepped down and left. Flynn and the others hugged me. I watched as two police officers handcuffed Parker and led him out of the room.

"I want to go see Parker before he leaves" I told them and quickly left the room with them following behind me. I walked up to the two officers, who were standing by a police car with Parker. "Can I have a word with him?" I asked them.

"We really shouldn't let you miss" One of them said.

"Let me talk to my girlfriend for a couple minutes. She wont see me for awhile" Parker sighed. One police officer uncuffed one of Parkers' hands and placed the handcuff on the door handle, so he couldn't move. Both men then walked a short distance away giving Parker and I some alone time. "I'm gonna miss you"

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