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We only had twenty minutes of Math class because of the assembly. So Paul and I did what we've been doing all week, we worked on our packets and fooled around a little bit.

English class seemed to drag on, even though we only had twenty minutes. Mr. Wolff didn't tell us what to do today so everyone was scattered around the room talking to friends and what not.

"Savannah you missed a spot Monday" Mr. Wolff commented.

"Huh what?" I asked.

"You missed a spot when you were scrubbing paint off the walls"

"Where?" I asked.

"Right there" He walked by me and pointed on the wall under the windows.

"I'm not the one that cleaned over there" I said after I noticed a little, about the thickness of a penny, paint mark.

"Ah yes Parker was the one to clean up over here. Maybe next time you'll think twice before you have someone take the fall for something they didn't do"

"I have no idea he was going to do it"

"He's your boyfriend isn't he"

"What? No he's just a friend"

"Really a friend? A friend willing to take the blame"

"You. Don't. Know. Anything" I said through a clenched jaw.

"I know more than you think beautiful. Now clean this up" He pointed to the spot then walked away.

"My I have your attention please. Please excuse the schools dance team. Thank you" Music to my ears.

"Where do you think you're going?" Mr. Wolff asked as Carter and I walked to the door.

"Dance team" Carter told him.

"You can go. You" he pointed to me. "stay and clean that up" I sighed with frustration. I had to go, so I looked at Carter, who was waiting outside the classroom door. I walked out the door flipping him off in the process.

"You're going to be in trouble" She told me.

"Like I care. I'm glad Parker has detention too"

"I heard my name" Parker said stepping next to me.

"Oh God" I hit him "Don't." hit "Do" hit "That" hit "Ever again"

He laughed "Sorry. But what about me?"

"She was just saying that she's happy you have detention too tonight that way she's not alone with Mr. Wolff." Carter told him.

"Trust me I wouldn't let you be alone with him Aidan. I don't like him" Then he walked away.

"Strange." I said.

"Lets go before we're late."

"We know the moves." I laughed as she dragged me to the girls locker room.

* * * * * * * * * *

The assembly started ten minutes ago the dance team was split up. Half were in the girls locker room being lead by Amber, the other half in the boys locker room, being lead by Carter. I on the other hand wasn't in the girls locker room or the boys, I was alone behind the curtains of the stage.

When the song started to play I heard the banging of doors, meaning the girls in both the boys and girls locker rooms where out in front of the stage dancing. I waited for my que. The lights went out so I stepped out from behind the curtian. All I needed way my part and the spotlight.

I jumped down from the stage and joined the others as the lights came back on and the spot light went away..

At the end of the song we all walked to the stage to sit down. "Our dance team." The principal said and everyone clapped.

**Mr. Wolff's Pov (I won't keep doing his pov, only when I feel I need to do it)**

Holy sweet pie! I didn't believe her when she said she was on the dance team. But wow just watching her dance made me think of some not so teacher like things. Not like I've never thought about her in that way before but after seeing her dance its going to get worse.

I sound like a horny teenage boy. I mentally slapped myself. "Savannah is one of the best on the team. Last year she lead all of them out in the pouring rain to cheer on a soccer game no one wanted to see, because our guys we're going to lose" The teacher next to me said.

"And did they?" I asked turning to the older woman.

"Nope since Savannah took control and lead the girls out there the boys ended up winning. Don't let her fool you. She's a very smart girl, her twin too. Teachers all around here love them. Just ask around. They're not bad kids"

"Clearly you didn't see what she did to my classroom"

"I did. Did you upset her in anyway?"

"Maybe why?"

She laughed "I remember when I had her in my french class sophomore year. We were all having a conversation in french when I asked her to say something, and she did. But when I told her she was saying it wrong she threw the nearest thing at me, which was a stapler from my desk."

"She's got anger management problems?" I suggested.

"Not really. Turns out she was saying the word right, I'm the one that wasn't. Apparently her brother and her went to France one summer with their father. You should hear them speak it, especially her. It sounds so romantic."

**Savannah's Pov**

Blah blah blah was all I heard in between dances. The principal just went on and on.

"Next Friday will be a dance...A free dance" Everyone cheered. "Since last year Flynn and Savannah Cannon did so much volunteer work. The community in return is letting us have a dance, that they will be paying for."

"Congrats you guys" A teacher turned around and said to us. We nodded in reply. Last year Flynn and I volunteered at the local foster care in town.

*After school*

"You're late Savannah" Mr. Wolff said when I walked into his classroom three minutes after the bell rang. I stopped and glanced at the clock.

"Big whoopee by three minutes" I rolled my eyes and sitting down.

"You're still late"

"Give her a break. Clearly she was on her way over here. See she's hasn't even changed out of her dance outfit." Parker said from the desk next to me. "She must have had a reason for being a little late"

"I did. Coach wanted to talk to me about something. Now can I change?"

"Change?" Mr. Wolff asked. "No sit down you're in detention."

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes and stood up pulling my gym bag up with me as I did so.

"What are you doing?"


"Not in my classroom you are not. You might be willing to show everyone your body but I don't want to see it." I rolled my eyes again and pulled out my windbreaker pants and slipped them on, then my jacket that matched, over it.

"See it was harmless"

"Don't ever do that in my classroom again"

"Now you have a problem with me changing? It wasn't like I was stripping. Oh I'm sorry you only like it when I'm at home"

"What the hell are you talking about?" Parker asked.

"Savannah don't" Mr. Wolff warned.

"Don't what? Tell Parker that you came over while we were having a party at my house and you saw me in just my bra. Oops my bad"

"Seriously?" Parker asked. "That disturbing. Well not you, him" He said quietly.

"You have no idea."

After detention Parker brought me home and told me he was able to do it after every detention until he didn't have to go anymore. I took him up of the offer to bring me home after detention. I liked spending time with Parker, he was different then the gang. He's more quiet, but not shy at all.

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