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**Mr. Wolff's Pov**

The ambulance came and got Savannah. While one paramedic hooked her up to whatever in the ambulance, the other asked us questions. By now we had gathered up a crowd outside. Students were curious as to what happened and so were teachers.

"Whats her name?" The parametic asked.

"Savannah, but at the hospital she'll be under her full name." Flynn said.

"And that is?"

"Savannah Rose Aidan Cannon"

"Her age?"



"5'6"" It was Carter that answered.

"Weight?" Flynn, Carter, Tom, Josh and I exchanged looks.

"115 pounds." Paul said.

"She's underweight." The paramedic said writing everything down." Did any of you know she was pregnant?"

"We did" Everyone said besides me. She was pregnant?

"How far along was she?"

"8 weeks and two days" Carter told him.'

"We're going to bring her to the hospital. You're her brother am I correct?" Flynn nodded. "Hop in. The rest of you can follow in your cars." Flynn got in and they left.

"Alright everyone back to your classes" The principal yelled. "Jake what happened?" He asked me.

"I don't know. She left class to answer her phone. Came back and got Flynn, Josh, Carter, Tom and Paul out of class with her. When Flynn came back in he looked like he had been crying so I got up to see what was going on. Tom said Parker was dead. Everyone except Savannah went back into the room to get their things, she stayed on the ground crying. I tried to calm her down. Then they came back out Carter said something about Savannah bleeding, Flynn said something about the baby and Savannah passed out in my arms."

"Then what?"

"Tom called 911, Carter started to cry. Josh started punching the ground. Paul and Flynn just looked at her."

"Who brought her out here?"

"I did. I carried her out here after I asked Flynn if he would do it. He said he couldn't so I did"

"Thanks Jake. You can go back to class now" I nodded and walked away.

**Savannah's pov**

I woke up and opened my eyes, only to close them back because the room was so bright.

"She any better?" I heard a male asked.

"She still hasn't woken up yet." Someone sighed.

"Where's Flynn and the others?"

"Flynn got a call to go down to the police station. Josh and Paul went home. And Tom's father called him to work."

"You should head home."

"I-I can't. I need to be here"

"Carter you've been here for two days. It's Saturday. Go home and take a nice shower or something. Then come back" I opened my eyes to see who was talking.

"Listen to him Carter, you reak" I joked.

"Oh my God Savannah!" Carter jumped up and attacked me in a hug.

"Carter I think you should let her go. Shes probably in pain"

"Oh right" She quickly let go. "Sorry"

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