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The day went by too quickly for my liking. During dance practice coach told us we would have to do the routine we learned last year. Thankfully we learned it at the end of the year so no one ever saw us dance it. Freshman will be able to join the team after the assembly, so we didn't need to teach the dance to them. Coach also told us a few other dance routines we would be doing and we learned a few of them. We learn fast so all coach has to do is show us a couple times and we get it.

Math class went okay. Mrs. Teutel put Paul and I at our own table in the middle of the room by the windows. She gave us a packet with at least fifty pages in it and told us the rest of the week that's what we were going to be working on. The packet needed to be handed in as soon as class started on Friday morning. That's why I love this class, she tells us what to do and then gives us a date it will be due by. And she doesn't give us something one at a time she gives a few things and then if you don't do so good on one thing she pulls you aside and talks you through it, giving you a few more papers to do and a test or two to do to make sure you understand it. My grade in here since freshman year has been all high nineties, same with Paul. It's easier for us to work when people aren't hassling us.

English class dragged on and on. Unfortunately not long enough. I didn't pay attention to anything Mr. Wolff was talking about and I didn't care. I'm sure one of the guys or Carter will fill me in on whatever it is later. I told Flynn I took the full blame for the classroom. He wasn't happy with me but I told him if I didn't we would have probably gotten in more trouble.

"We are going to start reading 'The Outsiders'" Was the only thing I heard Mr. Wolff tell the class.

"We read that back in seventh grade" Someone in the class informed him.

"Good" He clapped his hands together. "Then I expect you to pass the book test at the end of the book" The class groaned and he started to pass out the books. When it came to me he put an old ripped version of the book on my desk. "Try not to destroy this book alright" I rolled my eyes and watched him hand Flynn a copy somewhat like mine, only more held together.

"Here" Paul said handing me his book. "Give me yours"

"Huh?" I questioned.

He sighed. "Switch books with me. Take the newer one. I know you, when you read and get frustrated you tend to throw them and face it if you through this piece of crud book it will fall apart."

"And maybe disintegrate" Josh piped in, making me laugh.

"Here knock yourself out" I handed him the 'piece of crud' book.

"Start reading. This book is do next Thursday." Mr. Wolff told the class as he sat on the desk in front of the room.

"Looks like we will be watching the movie. My house?" Carter commented. I have this book memorized by heart, I have since the first time we read it in seventh grade. I love the movie too. Carter was one of those if its a movie too I'd rather watch it instead of read the book. Sometimes she passes sometimes she fails.

"You better believe it Car Car" Josh said slipping his arm around her shoulders. She shrugged it off and glared at him. Josh loved movies but only certain ones. As for his reading habits he liked to read the first chapter, then some chapter in the middle and then the last chapter. Yeah Josh's grades in English weren't so high.

Tom like to compare the books he reads to the movies they base them out of. Watching 'Harry Potter' with him makes you want to blow your ears off, with his constant "That wasn't in the book!" or "She didn't say that in the book, he did!"

Flynn liked to read small books. When it came to big book he would just skim though it and it would take him no more than two days to do it. But if he was really into the book he was reading he would make it drag out and make it last him a while. Sometimes he would go a few weeks before picking the book back up and reading it. As for movies based on books, he didn't really care for them. He had his exceptions like 'The Outsiders', 'Harry Potter', and 'Twilight'.

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