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The next day both Jake and I took Flynn to school, that way we'd have a car to pick the girls up. Jon only had to be to work a little later in the morning, so he was home with Noah.

The house was cleaned and ready for the girls. Jake and I cleaned it last night, with a little help from Noah and Flynn, after both families agreed to have the girls come over.

Saying Noah was excited was an understatement. He was thrilled to be having some other kids to play with. Even though he was six and the girls were three, he didn't care, they could still play with him and his toys. He didn't mind at all.

After Flynn left the car, Peter walked over to us, Lacey's booster seat in one hand and Lacey's hand in the other. Both Jake and I talked to him for a few before he put the booster seat in the back seat, and kissed Lacey goodbye. We left after he headed into the school building.

Next we picked up Amanda. Once the car was parked, I got out, making sure Jake was all set with Lacey. Once inside Amanda was already ready, and ready to go. All I had to do was talk to Mischa and get her car seat and we would be able to leave.

Mischa didn't say much besides have fun and be safe. She was going to spend the day doing some cleaning. I walked with Amanda out the door and to the car. After the car seat was in the back seat Amanda got in and I buckled her up. Before I shut the door I made sure to push the child safety lock down, much like I had done to the other door where Lacey was sitting. After I got in the car, Jake started it up and locked the doors then we headed back home.

Once back at Jake's house, Jon was getting ready and Noah was watching early morning cartoons. I left Jake by the front door, and grabbed hold of both girls hands, and led them to the living room.

"Noah" I said.

"Yes" He looked at me, then at the girls and stood up and walked over to us.

"Noah, this is Lacey. She's my cousin."

"Hi" He said to her.

"Hi!" She said back and smiled cheerfully.

"This is Amanda, you remember her right?" I asked.

"Yup" He smiled at me then turned to look at her. "Hi Amanda" She waved.

"Why don't you all go sit on the couch and watch TV?" I asked. "Have you girl ate yet?"

"Yes" Lacey answered, waking over to the couch with Noah behind.

"What about you Amanda?" I asked.

"Yes" She answered looking up at me.

"Alright" I smiled at her. "Go watch TV"

"Okay" She nodded. I turned around and walked out of the room, and headed for the kitchen.

"They all set in the other room?" Jake asked me, as he stood next to me.

"I think so" I said.

"I'm off to work" Jon said entering the kitchen.

"Alright we'll see you later" Jake said to his brother, who nodded and turned out of the room, most likely going to to the living room to say bye to Noah.


The day was going good. The kids were all getting along and playing nicely. Amanda looked a little shy still, after she had been here for a few hours. She would talk to Lacey a lot and a little to Noah. Lacey on the other hand was way more outgoing and talked to both kids. Noah tried to get Amanda to feel comfortable. Jake and I watched as Noah gave Amanda toy after toy to play with. He even went to his room and got one of his small pillows, that he used to lay on when he laid on the floor.

Amanda finally started opening up. And I decided I would pop in a movie so Amanda could get her nap. While she was napping on the couch, Lacey and Noah were on the floor quietly coloring. When Amanda woke up she joined them.

"Wanna play hide and go seek?" Noah asked the girls.

"Ya!" They both agreed.

"Can you count to ten?" Noah asked.

"I can count to twenty" Lacey replied.

"Yes" Amanda said nodding her head.

"Be careful!" Jake yelled as they ran from the room. "Today has been a good day"

"It sure has."

"Schools almost over, so we'll have to bring the girls home and pick up Flynn" He said looking at the time.

"We'll let them play for a little while. I'm sure Flynn wouldn't mind waiting for a few."

"I guess you're right. He could wa-" He was cut off by the phone ringing. He got up and went to answer it.


Ten minutes later the kids were all ready to go, all they needed to do was put their shoes on, and Jake was still on the phone.

"Who is Uncle Jake on the phone with?" Noah asked.

"I don't know" I told him. "I'll find out when he comes back"

As if hearing his name, Jake walked into the room. "Go get your shoes on" He told the kids, who left the room in a flash.

"Jake who was that on the phone?" I asked him.

"The school board."

"Go on" I pressed on. "Tell me more"

"We have to appear in court next week"

"What's this mean?"

"We'll have to wait and see. For now lets bring the girls home and go pick up Flynn"

I nodded an okay and stood up.

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