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The holidays were approaching fast. Christmas was only a few days away. We ended school early Friday due to the fact the school was having a holiday dance. So I guess you could say it was our last day of school until the new year. We would be heading back to school the second of January. Not a whole lot of students were going to the dance, but Flynn and I sure were. We had plans to leave our last end of the year dance with a bang.

Flynn and I were searching around the liquor cabinet looking for something to take with us. After we sat there and argued a few times we decided to take a bottle of rum and a bottle of vodka with us.

"We are going to get in so much trouble if they catch us" Flynn said as we drove back to the school.

"Since when do you care if we get caught?"

"I don't. Hey did you know Mr. Wolff is going to be there" He said changing the subject.

"Your point?"

"He's a nice guy. I wouldn't mind you being with him" He hinted.

"Flynn I don't like him."

"Tell me this. Did you know he likes you?"

"Yes b-"


"How what?"

"How do you know he does?"

"When I was in the hospital he told me he did."

"Uh huh"

"Besides it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure it out. Just yesterday Coach asked me if i was seeing him because he was sitting on the bleachers waiting for me to be done dance practice so he could take me home."

"All I'm saying is you two would be cute together. I trust him. He wants to be part of your life and you're pushing him away" Flynn sighed.

"Look do you think I like pushing him away? Do you think I hate the fact that he's in love with me and wants what best for me. That he'd choose me over anything in the world. Cause I don't. I'll be honest with you I don't hate him but I don't love him either. I simply just like him.

"Well we're here. I'll take the rum in, you take the vodka." He said changing the subject once again. I followed him out of the car and into the school gymnasium.

"Hey pretty thing" Raine came up and hugged me.

"Hey" I smiled as she pulled away. "Where's Paulie?"

"Over by the punch bowl" I nodded towards Flynn and we headed in that direction.

"What do you guys plan to do?" Paul asked when we stood next to him.

"You'll see" I told him. "Flynn stand were you are so they can't see what I'm doing. Paul the same with you" I ordered pulling out the vodka and pouring it into the fruit punch. "Rum" I said to Flynn, who pulled it out and gave it to me. I then poured that in. After stirring it up a bit I reached for a cup and put in a little and drank it. "Damn"

"Can you taste it?" Flynn asked straight away.

"Nope but that's a good thing. You can't taste it so people are just going to think it's punch until some lightweight starts getting drunk."

"You have a sick and twisted mind Savannah" Paul chuckled as he walked away.

"Lets dance!" I pulled Flynn with me to the floor and started dancing with him. A few seconds of us dancing we were cut off by a group of girls and a group of boys. Flynn and I smirked at each other then continued to dance, him with the girls and me with the boys.

Wild Love (Teacher/Student)Where stories live. Discover now