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"Fine then go!" He shouted breaking the pen in his hand.

"I will" I shouted back at him, getting up from the chair next to him and grabbing my things.

"You've refused tutoring all year and when I finally talk you into coming you give up at the first mistake you make"

"I have better things to do than staying here and fighting with you." I walked towards the door.

"Go to your dance practice. I'll be in the parking lot when your done"

"I'll have Flynn bring me home"

"He's already home"

"Then I'll have Paul"

"You think Paul is going to bring you all the way home?"

"If he doesn't Tom will"

"Look I'm trying to help you" He sighed.

"Help me by making me feel stupid?"

"Of course not!"

"Then what? You want me to take your tutoring so you can bring me home and you can love up to me?"


"Whatever. Don't bother waiting for me in the parking lot." I walked out of his classroom, leaving a somewhat frustrated Mr. Wolff behind.

I took a week off of school after I got out of the hospital. It didn't take me long to get over my dead child, since I wasn't too into the idea in the first place. I feel bad, I really do, but it's hard for me to cry over a child thats wasn't really developed yet. The day I told Parker I was pregnant he asked if we could name him or her Dallas. I agreed. It's taken me longer to get over the loss of Parker. No one at school says anything about him, they just give me sympathetic looks,

Yesterday, the first day I came back to school, Mr. Wolff cornered me in his room after class and begged me to take tutoring, like I was orignally supposed to. I agreed because his begging was getting annoying.


After dance practice I called Paul and he came to pick me up. "I can't bring you home. I'm already over stepping my boundaries right now. My dad's going to freak if he finds out I took his car"

"Just bring me to Mr. Norton's house" I told him.

"I don't want you going over there."

"Just bring me there" He didn't fight with my anymore just did what I said. "See you tomorrow"

"I'm calling your house later to see if your there"

"Whatever" I shut the car door and walked up the steps to Peter's front door. I heard Paul leave as I opened the door. I didn't bother to knock I just entered. Lacey was sitting on the couch looking sad.

"Hey Lacey whats wrong?" I asked her after I glanced around the room.

"Moms home" She frowned.

"But that's great! Your mom is finally back. You can do mother daughter things now"

"I could do that with you"

"So where is your mom and dad?"

"Fighting in the kitchen"

I nodded. "Why don't you go play in your room. I'll take care of them" I gave her a smile. Instead of heading in the direction of her room she came to me.

"I love you Savannah" She hugged my leg.

"I love you too Lacey. Now go play" She smiled a little and went to her room. I walked my way to the kitchen. When I got just outside the door I heard

"What you don't love me anymore?"

"No! I do"

"But you want my cousin too"

"You left me remember!"

"I came back."

"So. You left me for a guy in his fifties. Don't think I didn't know that. I got friends and family you know"

"I still came back to you."

"And you think that changes anything?"

"Yes. Tell me, what do you find so special about Savannah? Her mother left her, her father is never home. She had a kid at fifteen. Her boyfriend just died, probably because he couldn't stand to be with her anymore and she just miscarried a baby"

"I love her, thats whats special. And Parker died in an accident! Savannah only lost the baby because it wasn't growing right, it wasn't her fault at all! Her mother left because she's a whore! Her father is home when he doesn't have to work. He works to clean up the mess Savannah's stupid mother made!"

"My aunt hates you, you know"

"I hate her. She made Savannah and Flynn how they are today. If she was around then maybe they wouldn't drink like it was water. They wouldn't miss school. They wouldn't misbehave" Peter had a point. I didn't want to listen to anymore so I walked away. I opened the front door and shut it back.

"Anyone home?" I called out, pretending I just came in.

"Savannah?" Peter asked.

"Oh you're home? I was just about to leave."

"Savannah!" Becca screamed running to me and hugging me. I smiled at her, like I didn't hear the conversation before.

"You're back"

"I am. Feels like I missed everything while I was away" She shot Peter a glare. When she turned to look back at me, Peter sent me a knowing smile. "Anyway why are you here?"

"I came to ask for a ride"

"Sorry can't and neither can Peter"

"Alright then I'll be going. Bye" I left. Not only was my cousin a no good slut but she was also two faced. She left him. He didn't leave her.

"Savannah wait" Someone called. I stopped and turned to face them. "Sorry about her" Peter sighed.

"It's fine. But I really need to be getting home"

"Exactly how much of our conversation did you hear?" He asked. "Before you ask I heard you talking to Lacey" He smiled.

"Enough" I sighed.

"Hey" He grabbed my arm and pulled me too him. "I'd give you a ride. but I can't" He frowned. "Becca's keeping an annoyingly close eye on me"

"I'm sorry. Anything I can do?"

He shook his head. "Is she looking through the window?"

Through the corner of my eye I saw Becca staring at us through the window of the door. "Yup"

"You better get going before she gets a knife"

I laughed. "See you in class tomorrow"


I didn't know where to go. Carter was with her mother across town. Tom and Josh wouldn't answer their phones. Flynn wasn't coming to town. Raine couldn't drive. I had no one to bring me home. Flynn told me that Mr. Wolff was already home so I can't get a ride with him.

After almost an hour trying to find a way to get home I went to the one person I knew would bring me anywhere at anytime no matter what. I walked up to the familiar apartment building and up the stairs until I came to the floor I wanted. My feet seemed to have a mind of their own as they walked to his room. I knocked on the door and he opened it only seconds later.

Wild Love (Teacher/Student)Where stories live. Discover now