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School was finally out. Flynn and I ran out of class faster than anyone else, leaving the others behind still trying to get out of the classroom doorway. We ran to our lockers. We didn't hurry at our lockers but we were still done by the time Carter and the boys made it to us.

"What's gotten into the two of you?" Paul asked.

"What do you mean?" Flynn and I asked him.

"Not the twin thing again!" Josh complained sticking his head fully into his locker.

"Sorry" We said laughing.

"I'm going to bring duct tape tomorrow" Carter said.

"So tell me"

"Well" Flynn laughed.

"We have no idea. Just one of those random burst of hyperactivity." I said.

"And you both got it at the same time?"

"Well dur"

"The two of you are freaky"

"We know" Flynn and I said in unison.

"Damn!" Josh cursed from inside his locker. "I wish this thing was sound proof, that way I wouldn't be able to hear your strange twin talk"

"Anyway" Carter rolled her eyes in the direction of Josh. "What are your plans tonight after school?"

"Matt's going to be home, I think" Flynn said scrunching up his face. Right away you could tell he was in thought about something.

"Jake's coming over with Noah. We're going to watch some movies and work on homework" I finished for him.

"Can we join?"


"Goody!" She clapped her hands together. "We'll head over after we all stop at home. See you in two hours?"

"Sounds good to me. You guys coming too?"

"Not me I'm helping Raine work on a project" Paul said.

"Well okay. We'll see the rest of you later?" Flynn asked. Josh, Carter and Tom nodded their heads. Flynn then turned back to me, with an evil smirk on his face, after he shut his locker door. "I'll race you to your boyfriends car"

"I'll win"

"Wanna bet?"

"Oh yeah"

"Fine winner gets front seat"

"You're on" I told him, closing my locker door too. "Carter count us down."

"On it!" She said. She then walked over so she was between Flynn and I, much like girls do in those racing movies. "You guys ready she asked." Flynn and I nodded. "Counting down. five, four, three, two, one. Go!"

Flynn and I took off running. The halls were strangely empty, a few kids lingered by their lockers. When they saw us coming they moved. In the distance we could see Jake standing outside his classroom, tapping his foot and shaking his head at us.

"Your boyfriend is watching because your boobs are going up and down" Flynn snicked from beside me.

"No they're not!" I snapped. "And never say something like that again" He laughed and we kept running. Jake grew closer and closer. Flynn kept running while I stopped. "Take this please" I handed him my bag. It would only be fair, Flynn didn't have his bag. Jake just nodded his head and took my school bag into his hands. "Thank you" I said as I started to run again.

"No running in the halls!" Jake yelled from behind me. I looked back to see him doubled over in laughter.

I finally caught up to Flynn when I was outside in the parking lot. Flynn and I were neck and neck and Jake's car was coming up. It was me then it was Flynn, me then Flynn. When we reached the car we were tied. Both of us reached and touched the car at the same time.

"I win" Flynn said.

"No it was a tie"

"That's what losers always say"

"It was a tie butt-head"

"I still get the front seat"

"Jake said I do"

"Jake's not here"

"He wont be happy if he sees you in the front seat again"

"Oh he can bite me"

"I don't think he swings that way"

"You would know" He smirked.

"Shut up" I punched him in the arm. "I get the front"

"Fine rock, paper, scissors"

"Best of out of three?"


"Alright. Ready go"

"Rock, paper, scissors, shoot" We said together. Flynn had rock and I had paper. I won. "Rock, paper, scissors, shoot" This time Flynn had paper and I had rock. He won. The game went on two more time till it was the last one. Flynn and I were both at a tie. Both of us had won twice, this time would see who the winner was. "Rock, paper, scissors, shot" My scissors beat Flynn's paper, so I won.

"Yes!" I jumped.

"Take the front seat, cheater"

"How is it possible to cheat at this game?" I asked.

"No idea" Flynn laughed.

"Who won?" Jake asked walking towards the car with my bad in his hand.

"Your cheating girlfriend" Flynn said opening the back door of the car.

"Cheating?" Jake questioned.

"I beat him at rock, paper, scissors and he thinks I cheated."

"Did you?"


"Okay okay" Jake held up his hand defensively. "Here's your backpack."

"Thanks. Flynn's just a sore loser" I turned to look at Flynn who stuck his tongue out at me, got into the car and shut the door.

"You two make me laugh" Jake said pulling me closer to him, so that he could kiss me for a brief moment. From inside the car we could hear Flynn making gagging noises. Jake let me go and started walking towards the drivers side of the car. "I'm surprise you didn't hit a patch of ice"

I looked around to see the parking lot was full of snow, after all it was January. "We forgot it was still winter" I smiled sheepishly.

"Well I'm just happy neither of you were hurt" He smiled as I got into the car, he got in soon after. "One more before we go? I haven't seen you all day" He said. I turned my head to face him, to ask him what but he didn't let me he pushed his lips to mine fast.

"Seriously is this what you're going to do all the time?" Flynn groaned from the back seat.

"Get used to it Flynn" I laughed as I pulled back.

"It's stupid you know. Making out in the school parking lot. What if someone saw you?"

"No one is around. I looked" Jake rolled his eyes.

"You sure?"

"Positive" He reached for and grabbed my hand with his as we began to leave the parking lot.


Too bad no one was paying attention to the truck parked in the student parking lot, behind Jake's car. Where Sean Russo was sitting staring wide eyed at the scene he had just witnessed.

After he started his truck up he began to follow behind Mr. Wolff and the Cannon twins. As they headed left at the stop light, he headed right, to hang out with a few friends of his before work, still unsure about what he just seen.

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