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School was like it normally was, only this time Flynn and I arrived at school with Jake. Flynn of course took the front seat this morning and Jake promised me I could take it after school. I would have taken it after school anyway.

Flynn and I met the others by our lockers before the homeroom bell rang. Then we headed for homeroom.

A welcome back assembly took up most of the morning after homeroom. When it was over it was lunch time.

"What's for lunch?" Tom asked.

"Pizza!" Paul and Josh yelled.

"I guess it's Pizza" Carter laughed. Tom and I didn't need to be told twice we hooped right into the lunch line. After everyone got their food we walked over to our table and sat down.

"So have you and Mr. Wolff had sex yet?" Carter asked after secretly looking around nearby. I happened to be drinking from my milk at the time. It took me by surprise that she would ask something like that in front of everyone. And because I was surprised milk came flying out of my mouth and landed on her. "What the hell Savannah!" Carter shouted whipping some milk off of her.

"Why would you ask something like that?" I choked out.

"I'm curious. If I was you I would have f***** that hot a** of a man already"

"One don't call my boyfriend that and two no we haven't."

"Why not?"

"Because he's my boyfriend"

"Not that. Why haven't you"

"We don't want to"

"You don't? Has he came right out and said he didn't want to have sex with you?"

"No." I told her, well aware everyone at the table had their eyes glued to me, everyone besides Flynn. "We both agreed it was too soon" I lied.

"Oh I understand" She smiled.


After lunch Paul and I headed for our math class. And took our seats before anyone noticed.

"So how is your relationship going?" He asked.

"Fine. How about yours?"

"Great." He smiled. "I kinda have half a mind to tell your boyfriend not to pressure you into anything."

"He wont"

"How do you know?"

"Because he knows all it takes is one thing and he loses me."

"Fair enough" He nodded.

The class started and went on and on until the bell rang at the end. Paul and I left the classroom and headed for our lockers, where we met the others. From there we all walked to English. I decided to head to the bathroom before heading into class so I let the others on in before me.

I was in the bathroom not really doing anything I was debating if I should skip English class or not.

A new text on my phone appeared and it said 'Not skipping my class are you?'

'No' I answered Jake.

'Sure you're not. Is that why you're not in my class right now?'

'I'm in the bathroom?'

'Get to class'

I didn't answer him but grabbed my things and left the bathroom. The halls were quiet as I walked to his classroom. The door was shut so I opened it and pushed it with force it hit the wall with a bang. I could have fell to the floor laughing at how high it made him jump.

"Miss Cannon how nice of you to finally join us" He glared. I smiled because I knew behind that glare he was happy to see me. His glare lightened. I headed right to my seat and sat down.

"Trying to ditch your boyfriends class?" Flynn whispered.

"A girl could only try." I whispered back to him. He chuckled.

The class went on and I kept my head down trying to avoid Mr. Wolff's looks my way.

Wild Love (Teacher/Student)Where stories live. Discover now