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Flynn and I were invited to a party at one of the guys our father works withs house. Our father was supposed to arrive yesterday but couldn't due to snow storms and what not. So Flynn and I got ready to attend the Christmas party alone.

"Flynn hurry up and move your a**!" I yelled up the stairs as I waited by the door.

"Give me a damn minute princess!" He yelled back."Shouldn't it be the other way around?" He asked coming down the stairs a minute later.

"What do you mean?"

"You're the girl. So shouldn't it be me down here waiting for you?"

"Ha ha very funny. Lets go I told Mischa we'd swing by to say Merry Christmas to Amanda and give her her gift"

"And Paul?"

"Paul said he'd meet us there. I have to text him when we get into town"

We left the house and got in his car. "Oh yeah before I forget Peter called while you were in the shower. He wants us to go by he's got something for you and I."

"And I got something for Lacey"

"Where did you have time to get everything?


"Of course"


The ride went on until we came to a stop at the Reyonds' house. I got out of the car before Flynn turned off the engine. "You could have waited until the car was stopped!" He yelled. I flipped him off and ran up the steps to the front door. A gift in my hand. Mr. Reynolds was the one to answer the door.

"Come on in Savannah. Is Flynn with you?" He asked looking behind me.

"Yeah he should be in soon"

"Well come on in"

"Thanks Mr. Reynolds"

"Now, now you get to call me Randal now. Wouldn't seem far to call me Mr. Reynolds and Mrs. Reynolds be called Mischa. Beside my name is easier to spell and say"

"I heard that!" Mischa yelled from another room.

"Brr its cold out" Flynn said coming into the house shivering.

"How are you doing Flynn?" Randal asked.

"Just fine. How about you?" Flynn and Randal carried on a conversation while I walked into the living room, where I guessed Mischa and Amanda were. I was right.

"Mom!" Amanda yelled when I came into the room. "Where's dad?"

"He should be here soon" I told her with a smile on my face. I was never going to get used to her calling me mom.

"Oh thank goodness you're here. Amanda why don't you go play with your new toys while I talk to Savannah and wait for Paul."

"Okay Mom" She smiled and skipped to the other side of the room.

"She's been driving me crazy" Mischa sighed shaking her head.


"She's been after me all week asking when you and Paul were coming back"

"She misses us"

"It's not just that. She said she wants to be able to call both of us mom and not worry about hurting each other."

"Mischa are you okay with her calling both of us mom?"

"Of course. You are the one that gave birth to her"

"But you are the one that's giving her a home, food, love and all the motherly things"

"You give her love too."

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