Wanna Be Yours (G!P You)

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A/N: If you've read my Camila/You, Serendipity then "Erica" is Vanessa Moe so yeah Vanessa is in this one shot.. enjoy x

"Aye! No come back here." I teased as I pulled Camila back to me once she started to walk away.

She giggled and stood in between my legs as I sat on the bed of my truck; I held her in my arms as I kissed the side of her neck. The light chatter and buzz all around us as we stayed cooped up in the school's parking lot.

"Stop." She giggled as I kissed up to her ear and she playfully pushed me back as I breathed out a laugh.

"What?" I chuckled shrugging innocently and she smiled biting her bottom lip.

"Are you coming over tonight? My mom is staying out late." She asked standing securely in her cheerleading outfit.

"You know I am." I said lowly with a small smirk that matched hers.

She leaned in ghosting her lips over mine teasing me before she kissed my nose and I pulled her closer if it was possible and kissed her lips. She gently wrapped her arms around my neck and I slid off the truck bed wrapping my arms around her small waist. She slightly moaned when I tightened my arms around her and slid a hand down to her big Cuban ass.

But before I could grab the addictive body part she pulled back smacking my hand away as she giggled. I licked my lips tasting her strawberry banana lip gloss and I groaned lowly while she started to walk away.

I sighed deeply as her hips swayed with each step she took and I leaned against my truck watching the gorgeous brunette walk away from me. That was until I felt my best friend Lauren jump out of nowhere and softly smack the back of my head as she jumped up on the truck bed.

"So y'all dating yet?" She wiggled her eyebrows before lighting up a joint and I laughed to myself.

"Nah you know we're not." I shook my head my shoulders slumping down and she inhaled the smoke.

"Like I say every day you need to-" She stopped herself before blowing out the smoke, "you need to totally fix that shit. There's only much you can do when you're not in a relationship." Lauren said and I looked at her as she offered me a hit but I shook my head.

"Says you." I said and she raised her thick eyebrows.

"Uhm for your information I'm actually happy with my girlfriend. She's cooler than you and you're both my best friends." She said which caused me to laugh lowly and I looked around the parking lot.

"And speaking of the devil." Lauren said hopping off my truck bed and picking up her girlfriend with a big good morning kiss.

"Mm hey give me some." Lucy took the joint from Lauren's hand and took a hit.

"Babe." Lauren pouted and Lucy grabbed her cheeks with one hand playfully before kissing her lips and letting the smoke into Lauren's mouth.

"Yeah let's just tongue bathe each other in the middle of the parking lot shall we." I chuckled to myself before looking my way towards Camila who was animatedly talking to her friends.

She glanced over at me and gave me a toothless smile before blushing and looking away. I felt my heart swell at how cute she was and I felt my truck move indicating the girls were now sitting.

"Can't you just ask her out already? I mean you both are practically dating anyway." Lucy stated as she wrapped an arm around Lauren's neck and I clenched my jaw.

"You already know she doesn't date." I sighed almost sadly and Lauren looked at me with a small laugh.

"Why don't you just talk to her about it-"

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