Good or Bad (Boy x Girl)

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"Such a little cutie with her bows and her sweaters." Zayn mimicked in a high pitched voice while my friends laughed at his so called joke.

"Man don't be a dick." I said pushing him aside as I leaned up against the brick wall.

He laughed loudly while he took out a cigarette from his Newport pack and put it to his lips.

"I wonder does a church girl like being spanked or does she like to take control?" Mac smirked before having his hand smacked in a high five.

"I don't know does yours?" I asked crossing my arms with a small glare and he laughed with Zayn and Justin.

"You know a little bit of both." He smirked and I kept in a smile before shaking my head looking down at my all black shoes.

"Let's change the subject yeah?" I wiped my face as I smiled and they all pushed me lightly as they hollered.

"You have a little warm spot for little innocent Cabello?" Lauren asked me with a smirk as she took a drag on her cigarette.

"Well yeah she is my girlfriend." I mumbled while I took the cigarette from her mouth.

"Dude what the hell?" She punched my arm and I chuckled lighting it up while Justin smiled at me.

"What a cliché couple." Lucy said as she leaned into Lauren's side.

"Church girl and the bad boy like you can actually show her what she thinks she deserves. You'll never be the one who's gonna preach sermons to her at night before waiting to have sex till you're married." Lucy laughed to herself and I blew out the toxic smoke as I crossed my arms.

"Well luckily she's not as innocent as she puts out." I mumbled and they all looked at me curiously.

"Wait, wait, wait have you two had sex?!" Lauren asked me and I looked down with a sigh.

"Oh my god wait she's not a back door virgin huh?!" Mac asked quietly not wanting anyone around to hear and I frowned taking the cigarette away from my mouth.

"W-Wha- No! Come on man don't talk like that we haven't done anything like that." I frowned and shook my head flicking the cigarette away and squishing it with the tip of my shoe.

"I was talking about the way she acts guys she's not always bible reading and praying to whatever God that is up there. Damn you all are always so sexual-"

"You are literally all of the time I honestly didn't think this thing was gonna last to be honest." Lauren said and I frowned slightly.

"It's been like four months and you've barely kissed her." Justin pointed out and I shrugged.

Not true at all but they didn't need to know that.

"I don't care." I squinted my eyes at the sun as it started to peer down on us.

"You're cute." Zayn poked my cheek and I slapped his hand away while he chuckled.

"Oh wait... Is that her right there?" Zayn pointed her out in the parking lot of the school and I looked over to her.

"Cute sweater." Lucy snorted causing Lauren to slap her lightly.

I saw her white bow sway slightly as she talked with one of the basketball players. I frowned to myself as I stared more intently, fucking Austin Mahone. I was only upset with him talking to her because I hear what he says about my girl. How he wants to deal with her needs himself because supposedly church girls are the most turned on?

He talked so much bullshit about how many girls he could get and he wanted mine because of her beliefs. So yeah I had a reason to be upset if she feels any sort of uncertainty and uncomfortableness.

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