Vans (Girl x Girl)

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"Y/N! Stop fucking around you're gonna be late for work." My best friend Kay spoke as I drank her coffee that she made.

Thank god she worked at the malls coffee shop.

"Don't get your panties in a twist the shop is literally down the way." I chuckled and she rolled her eyes before smiling her weirdly perfect smile.

"Dude why don't we just trade jobs? You fucking take every coffee I buy." Kay sighed heavily and fixed her green apron while I chuckled.

"Sorry love but I happen to like my job unlike you." I said taking my skateboard from her hands before drinking the rest of her tea.

"I hate you." She mumbled and I smiled at her.

"I love you too, sweets." I smiled and hopped onto my skateboard before riding through the slightly packed mall.

It was still early in the morning so not as many people were here compared to the afternoon or lunch time. I swerved around people and little carts and stands in the middle before riding straight into the shoe store I worked at. Well it was more of a shoe store rather than a whole store like most of these items cost more than twenty dollars anyway.

"Aye Ethan has the inventory come in yet or what?" I asked as I flipped my board up so I could catch it.

"Yeah it's in the back but you're on ground duty today. Amy's orders." He said as he set up the counter and I sighed heavily.

"Oh yay more people to deal with." I mumbled as I clocked in and he chuckled.

"These are your kinda people I mean I'd gladly go get Kay and replace you with her." He smirked while his purple patch of hair flowed with the air causing me to chuckle.

"Not even your own twin?" I chuckled as I put my backpack and skateboard underneath the counter.

"Gray works at Zumiez." He said and I frowned.

"Aren't we in competition with the manager?" I asked and he smirked again before laughing.

"Well basically all skate shops or whatever sell the same thing but who brings in the most money?" He asked before leaning against the counter while Amy walked out the back with a box full of clothes.

"Could you quickly help me set these up? We ran out of the aloha low top so I need you to replace those with these." Amy said as she handed me the boxes and Ethan smiled at me.

"I thought I was on ground duty today?" I asked and she smiled at me before looking around.

"Well the store barely opened so you are- just put the shoes up and wait till someone comes in. Work that Y/N charm on them." She winked and I heard Ethan laugh as she walked away.

"Charm? Like stuttering every time a cute girl looks at you." He crossed his arms in his red hoodie causing me to step close to him and pull the strings hard.

I chuckled sarcastically while walking back to the shoe wall while he groaned at the hoodie covering his face.

"Real mature Y/NN." He mumbled while he grabbed the sale sign and put it out of the store to attract more customers.

"I thought Grayson worked at Sears?" I asked and he snorted.

"He got fired for accidentally breaking two cameras. Two cameras that cost like three hundred dollars each." He made a face while I chuckled as I opened the box.

"There was like a lot of pretty girls that worked there too and so many went in there just to see him, goddamn." I sighed and he moved a box in front of the clear space of the register.

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