Maybe (Girl x Girl)

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"Camila Cabello was seen with Shawn Mendes as they...well steamed up at the beach yesterday. An insider says they totally have a crush on one another but have not yet decided to be exclusive. What do you guys think? Is it cute? Or not? Leave a comment down below about how much you like or dislike Shawmila!" The familiar voice of a YouTube channel starlet spoke and I sighed heavily clicking dislike.

She was mine not his and no one knew that I hated being not known as her girlfriend. I couldn't fucking believe she was with him yesterday. She said she was gonna be with her mom picking some stuff up before heading to the studio. But I guess she had other plans and it's not the first time either so I didn't exactly know why I was bitching to myself.

I looked around this coffee shop downtown and sighed sadly as I felt a ache in my chest. Fucking feelings who even created such a thing? Feelings suck and apparently the whole world does too. Maybe the world just hates me.

"Uh hey." I heard a voice and I looked up from my computer just to see a cute girl with a crop top sweater that had the shoulders off with it.

"Hi?" I smiled up at her and she chuckled to herself before looking at me.

"I'm so sorry this maybe really weird or awkward but I noticed you from Tumblr. I love your blog you write some deep stuff on there sometimes." She said and I looked at the empty seat in front of me that was supposed to be Camila's.

"Oh really? Wow I don't really get noticed." I laughed lowly before motioning to the seat.

"You wanna sit down? I'm here alone." I said knowing Camila wasn't gonna show up till later on or not at all.

"You sure? I don't wanna bother you." She said and I noticed her accent which made me smile.

"Trust me I think I might need a little bit of company before I die of loneliness." I joked as I moved my coffee over and she sat down with hers.

"I'm Vanessa by the way." She smiled to herself as she played with the cardboard around her coffee.

"Your accent?" I mentioned in a question which she immediately caught onto.

"Yeah I'm from Denmark." She smiled her perfect smile which made me match the gesture.

"Oh that's so cool how is it over there?" I asked actually interested in this girl and she smiled to herself.

"It's really amazing you should go there sometime from your blog I could tell you liked photography so it's a great place to be." She conversed with me but I couldn't get over how pretty she was.

"What do you do exactly? What brings you to LA?" I asked her gently as I took a sip of my coffee and she smiled uncontrollably which made me chuckle at her cuteness.

"I'm actually a model, Louis Vuitton wanted me to model for them at least for a little bit." She gushed and I subconsciously licked my lips.

"Wow..well I definitely wouldn't doubt it." I chuckled as I looked at her intently and she blushed slightly.

"What about you I don't really know what you do." She fiddled with her cup and I smiled at her.

"Well I work at a small label I'm a music producer I live back in New York though just came down to visit someone." I said leaving out my famous girlfriend that apparently was with another guy.

"I've always wanted to go to New York I bet it's amazing huh?" She excitedly asked and I nodded with a growing smile.

"Yeah it is I mean it's a bit loud but if it's right for you then it'd be one of the best sounds." I shrugged and she smiled at me.

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