Tumblr Girl

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"JUST DO IT! Come on like literally Y/NN what is the worst that can happen? She'll ignore it? You're already expecting that anyway." My best friend Normani said and I sighed deeply as I felt my anxiety flare up.

"Fine, just give me my phone." I mumbled and she smiled widely as she handed me my phone.

I looked down at the screen and groaned to myself before preparing a thought out letter.

"I'll send it for you if you have trouble." Normani whispered as she peeked over my shoulder and I groaned in embarrassment.

"No, no I'm fine, I'm fine." I sighed and cursed at myself internally.

Bitch, no you aren't.

"Okay...where do I start?" I mumbled to myself as I thought about the gorgeous girl on Tumblr.

I looked down at the ask set up and began typing anonymously,

Pt. 1/7
This is gonna be long considering I only have 500 characters and it'd never be enough for the words I wanna say. And I'm sorry for that but I had to say at least something lmao so,

Dear...well you,

        I swear when I saw you for the first time my heart imploded in my chest because I've never seen someone so beautiful. You were wearing your Vans maroon pull over hoodie and your hair looked so perfectly soft. It sounds so weird saying it or writing it but it's so true. And your smile. God, that's my favorite feature about you. When I saw you smile for the first time I swear I fell in love with the thought of you. I instantly wanted the little things with you. Late night talks and laughs and I wanna say stupid jokes just to remotely make you smile.

I feel so crazy and stupid for even thinking like this because you don't know me. I feel almost wrong for thinking too much about you like I'm some sort of weirdo. So I push the thoughts away...

You've somewhat expressed here on Tumblr that you were so tired of people giving you up like you were nothing. That you're tired of wanting people who didn't want you. And I'm so shocked anyone would ever deny you or treat you wrongly. I've seen what I assume hundreds of people anonymously write you on this app, that they loved you or expressed how gorgeous you are. I didn't pay attention to it because I usually laugh at those type of people. But here I am being one of them because I can't get you out of my head.

I've never wanted to be noticed so badly and it was honestly pathetic but damn you've captured my attention whole heartedly and you didn't have to do a single thing.

I'm not the type to let my feelings out cause usually it doesn't mean anything to that person. But I don't know today was different in a way..I couldn't help it I just needed to try and put this into words. I had an urge to just express something but with each word I write I'm blushing with embarrassment. This is like my first time reaching out to you - let alone anyone and I've never been so afraid (?) to send this.

I wonder what goes on in that mind of yours I wonder what it'd be like to just simply look at you from across the room instead of your posted photos. Dumb right? I don't know you, you definitely don't know me but here I am acting like a little puppy. I also wonder does this shit creep you out, lmfao? Because I'd honestly wouldn't know what to feel if I got love letters everyday from random people all over the world.

I don't expect you to write back or see this because you get similar messages all of the time. But I needed to get a little bit of this off my chest even if it's on a piece of paper or a screen. And as I'm re-reading this I still don't feel a weight being lifted because there's so much more to say about how you deserve to be treated and how gorgeous you are to me.

But I guess this is getting too long now so if you are reading this just know that I hope you have an amazing day or night. And no matter what you're making someone so happy and blessed by breathing each second of the day.

         - Y/N x


Tbh I actually sent this to my crush through Tumblr and she actually wrote back lololol I'm not dead at all. But I think she forgot about it 👀 Plus she has so much hotter people calling out for her lmfaoodk I'm like Coachella's dumpster 😹😹💀

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