la douleur exquise pt. 2 (Girl x Girl)

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A/N: BTW warning at person who requested this I'm so sorry if it's not what you wanted it to be 💀💀 js okay, enjoy hopefully 👀 x



Bello😚: Answer your damn phone pleaseeee

Bello😚: It's been like four hours already ☹️

Bello😚: well okay hello there I know you like to read but this is becoming too much :(

Bello😚: Y/NN...

I chuckled to myself before locking it and turning my head back to my tv screen

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I chuckled to myself before locking it and turning my head back to my tv screen. I sat on the edge of my bed and quietly played my GTA game. I should've been doing my homework but I had the weekend to finish. I didn't care plus I was sad I had the right to treat myself since my longtime crush just killed my dreams.

I tried not to think about it so much but I couldn't help it, I truly thought about Camila all the time. Comforting her so much that I became a master at it and I practically knew her more than I knew myself. Lauren apologized for thinking Camila really did have feelings for me. It was so dumb cause I kept my feelings to myself all this time but I let the smart green eyed girl get to me.

She was really persuasive without trying and I wondered maybe if that's what made everyone fall to her feet. So as I shot some random ass person I was hit by a fast moving car and was inevitably wasted. I sighed and looked at my phone when it started to ring, "Let up Camila." I mumbled and picked it up.

"Hello?" I answered and I heard my best friend.

"Heeeeyyy lazy." I heard Ally's voice and I smiled to myself.

"Hey Als." I sighed feeling much better that it wasn't Camila's voice.

No matter how much I liked her I didn't really wanna face her right away. I felt so stupid for even thinking I had a chance. So when Ally asked me about my day I told her what happened.

"Oh my God, Y/NN.. I'm so sorry. Actually.. me and Mani really thought you two would end up together. She's always around you or clinging onto you." She sighed and I bit my lip as I drove around the desert.

"I thought I saw some signs too but I guess I was wrong. Ughh Ally, this is so embarrassing. She knows I like her and it just won't be the same anymore." I groaned and continued to play the game as I left her on speaker.

"No, don't act weird just try your best to be the same. It shouldn't matter if you have feelings, friendships shouldn't change." She pointed out and I smiled to myself as I kept back a small laugh.

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