Full of It pt. 3 (Boy x Girl)

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Friday night and I was sitting on the bench in the schools gymnasium in my basketball uniform. Unfortunately I was the only person in the school that actually went to tryouts instead of the regulars and Coach Henderson had to put me on the team. I wasn't that bad but I guess when the school has a losing streak of six then you need to be careful of who you pick on the team.

Literally everyone in the gym were booing our team but mostly threatening the shitty Coach. They chanted "Henderson sucks" as they threw popcorn at the balding man. I watched Justin make his way around a player and stole the guy's ball as he pushed him on purpose.

The ref blew his whistle and called a foul, "What? No, ref!"

"15 green, halt." The ref said loudly and Justin got angrier.

"Come on!"

"That's 5, Coach." The ref spoke to Coach Henderson and the coach sighed deeply.

"That's 5 you're done son." The ref spoke to Justin and he shoulder checked the player.


"You gotta go sit down." The ref spoke to Justin and the coach crossed his arms as Justin yelled out another no.

"That's five fouls Justin he says you gotta sit!" Coach said and Justin groaned aggravated with the situation and threw the ball.

Justin stomped back to the bench angrily, "Coach you need another player!"

"I don't got anybody else. They're all fouled out."

"What about that guy over there." He pointed to me instantly making me nervous.

"How about we play with four?"

"Five or you forfeit." The ref said and Coach side heavily before walking up to me.

"Y/L/N, you're in." He said worriedly and I frowned.

I smiled and got up but accidentally tripped over Justin's shoe as he glared at me. I huffed turning back around as the crowd laughed and I ran onto the court. Soon enough the whistle blew again and I was the only one open, my player threw the ball my way and I easily caught it.

As everyone started running towards me I panicked and threw the ball full court and the crowd went silent when it swished into the net. All of a sudden they all cheered as the points went up and I smiled at the crowd. My teammates patted my back as the Coach clapped his hands.

"Let's run that play again." He took credit of that shot and the game started up again.

Basket after basket I had made each one that I threw and the crowd loved it I heard them scream my name as I bounced the ball off of the ref's head and made the basket. These lies were totally coming in handy and when the last few seconds came up it was 76 to 74 - the other team leading the coach called a timeout.

"Look they're two points ahead of us what do we need?" The coach asked us as we huddled around.

"Three pointer!"

"A free throw!"  I yelled out and they all looked at me with a frown.

"Free throws are one point."

"Yeah I know that." I smiled innocently and they all looked at the scoreboard.

"Whatever we need a three pointer the only solution is you get the ball to Y/L/N he can kick it in for all I care. Anybody got a better idea than that?" Coach asked us and they all said,


"Great come on." Coach said as he put his hand in the huddle.

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