Treated Right (G!P You)

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Your POV

I never knew why people would go back to the same person that broke you or tore you down for no reason. Austin Carter Mahone was the definition of a dirty dick. He wouldn't know respect and manners if it punched him in the face. I wanted to punch his damn face right now just thinking about him and what he had that he didn't deserve.

It also mind fucked me when the most kind girl in the entire high school became his girlfriend in Sophomore year. Karla Camila Cabello Estrabao in other words Camila Cabello; she was the most beautiful thing in this world. I didn't even know how someone could be as beautiful as she was.

She used to be my next door neighbor and we were great friends until she joined a certain group of friends at school. I was thirteen when I first saw her and I never expected her to be my first back then but it happened. We were way too young but we couldn't help it, our minds were just too curious and we wanted to try something new. Too fast.

We did it maybe four times between the ages of thirteen and fourteen and we stopped once she moved away. We never really thought much about it and how people would see us if they knew about us. Then obviously when we got a bit older her features became more defined and more womanly which only attracted me more to her but sadly she was with a dirty dick.

And it wasn't like we just forgot about each other either we talked all the time and we hung out a lot actually. She was kind of a lowkey best friend and it had some huge benefits. Austin had never really showed her the attention she deserved or treated her like a princess like Camila said he did. I'm surprised she even calls it a real relationship because to me it wasn't.

Camila vented to me almost everyday for a whole three months before one night I just couldn't take it anymore. It was either I make her forget about the shitbag or I beat up the shitbag and she kissed me to keep me from leaving. I hated seeing her cry over someone who never cared that much for her to begin with. I hated picking her up on the side of a random street because Austin had gotten irritated and told her to get out of his car.

It shouldn't have been like this. She wasn't supposed to fall in love with a douche bag she was supposed to fall for me. I don't know if she has or not but I wasn't going to give up just yet I watched her be in pain for too long. I was just too afraid of being rejected and him taking his asshole mentality too far and putting his hands on my precious Cuban babygirl.

"And that's equivalent to the answer to the last equation everyone get it?" Mr. James turned around from the board and most of us yawned.

"Great! Lia pass out the assignments." He smiled and I looked down at the desk full of boredom as I felt my eyes getting heavy from just being in this classroom.

"Y/NN psst aye." I heard a voice whisper and I turned to my right seeing Lauren and Normani leaning over.

"You coming to Austin's birthday party tomorrow night? It's gonna be hella lit." Normani smiled her gorgeous smile as Lauren's stunning eyes shined from underneath these blinding lights.

"Probably I don't really have anything better to do." I shrugged tiredly and Lauren smirked with Mani.

"Yeah plus Camz will be there you can probably snatch her up before Austin can for the night." Lauren smirked as she tapped her pencil against the table before glancing back at Camila's friend Ally.

"And she'll be there." Lauren blushed causing me to smirk and nudge her.

"Oh yeah crushing on the church girl huh? What a cliche couple." I teased causing her to laugh lowly while Normani smirked.

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