The Last Of Us (G!P)

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"Hey weirdo."

I looked up to see the slim beauty walk into my room and I jumped slightly.

"How'd you even get in here?" I stood up as I set my shiv down and Camila sighed.

"You're so paranoid." She giggled as she passed me and laid across my bed.

"Your dad's out on patrol again and the house isn't always locked up. Well, more specifically the garage window." She rested her head on top of her hand nonchalantly.

I sighed lightly as I looked around the slight mess that was my room and looked out the door.

"I go out tomorrow." I breathed in deep and she nodded with a small smile.

"You always get worried, you'll be fine. We were born into this life I would think you'd be used to it by now." She chuckled as she leaned up as I leaned down to grab my shivs.

"I get used to going out with you, to explore. Not to look for those... things." I spat out my despise for those fungus infected creatures.

Camila remained silent for a few seconds and let out a breath, "Well... It's necessary. We don't need a breach anytime soon. One mistake can bring this whole town down." She moved towards me when I finally sat down and she patted my back.

"You'll be okay it's only gonna be a couple hours. Joel's daughter will be there, she definitely won't let anything happen to the group." She tried to lift my spirits up and I let out my own breath of air.

"True." I let out in defeat and she smirked with a small chuckle.

"That's my girl, you have nothing to be afraid of." She pressed her lips against my cheek and I tried my best to not heat up.

I wet my lips as I went to turn my head to her and she popped up, "But! I came by to make sure you're coming to the gathering tonight." She smirked as she walked around my room and my eyes closed.

"Oh no." I mumbled and she groaned loudly.

"Come on! We skipped it last time." She weakened her knees as she started to kneel my way.

"Please, please, please-"

"Why can't we just go out together Camila-"

"Y/NN, we did that last time, come on, let's do something new." She begged me as her hands rested on my exposed knees from my ripped jeans.

"I thought the river was your favorite spot." I mumbled and she started to giggle knowing I was trying to get out of this.

"You're not getting out of anything this time, you're coming and that's final." She stood up with a sassy huff and I smirked up at her.

"You're definitely Sinu's daughter." I chuckled and got up as I slipped my backpack over my shoulders.

"And where exactly are you going?" She asked me with a quirked up eyebrow.

I stepped closer to her and she faltered a bit as her eyes flickered up to mine. I then smiled, "I have to pick up some ration packs today." I rested my taped up hand and patted the top of her head.

"Now, you can come with me or you can do whatever that you do around here." I shrugged passed her and she turned after me while I walked down the hall.

"I have to get ready for tonight actually." She smirked and I rolled my eyes not understanding what she meant by that.

"There's nothing that exciting there anyway!" I called out and suddenly I heard her footsteps come towards me.

Camila/You ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now