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a few poems i have written in the last few months. some are unfinished and will probably remain that way.


the clouds look fake today, i say

as i walk down my city street

bloodstains littered at my feet,

i watch the sky glide effortlessly by

almost in a silent cry

of redemetion

unknown to me,

and that fall free feeling one would get

when looking at the dough frosted sky

does not overwhelm me

it's as if my feet are stone

cursed to forever stay upon the ground

where the people dressed in all gray,


lonely and without color

afraid to look up from their gray, hard shoes and afraid to

speak up for the blue sprayed across their cheeks

the color demands to be seen,

yet they don't want it

grabbing onto their clothes and skin,

the color sinks in

infusing with their bones made of years of abuse

decorated with cracks,

powdered with threats and bounded together with dollar store nail glue


Kindness is like the candy a five year old gets at the grocery store

Kindness is like finding a crisp and clean dollar bill in a thunderstorm of regret on a Thursday morning, before the paycheck and after the wife cried

Kindness is like recieving the tight squeeze of a lover that left for two years to rebuild her life into a goddess

I wasn't paying attention

Sorrow is like finding a baby without a home and loving them, adoring and giving them your all, only for the crack infused parents to come and take them back

Sorrow is like getting promised a life of ease and happiness, but later on dancing among the clouds because the life was too much

Sorrow is like walking out in front of someone else's life and getting ripped open at the chest because they never loved you

Sorrow is like loving someone with no heart to give

I wasn't paying attention

I never pay attention


a pretty girl with an ugly exterior, who lies about things to the world will apprecriate her.

she doesn't love herself, so she gives her love away to men that don't matter.

to boys who never loved her anyway.

or adored her the way i did, once upon a time.

now she died and made the little people that did care a bit more uglier.


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