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I'm confused, to say the least

and since I can never seem to say what I need to, I'll write it out...

okay, here goes...


how come you never compliment me everyday?

how come I have to basically ask for them?

am I even pretty to you?

you never show your... love in public, or around your friends

is this because you told them how you truly feel and what you tell me is a lie?

it's a constant thought in my head, ever since I was told the idea days ago,

"He doesn't even find you attractive. He's in love with your love for him."

are you even in love with me?

me, the person I am. I not good enough?

no, no no! don't think that way!


but what else am I suppose to think?

honestly, it's exhausting.

I think so highly of you.

I adore you, am fixated by you.

I love every dorky, goofy, nerdy, weird little quirk about you.

I could ramble on and on about you in my way, the little things you do.

for example, that little laugh you do when you don't know what else to say. it's completely fake.

and everyday I wonder, could you do the same?

could you sigh and talk about me like I do you?

could the very thought of me make you happy and excited?

sometimes I want to run up to you and hug up so tightly when I see you but,

I don't.

because I think,

would you do the same?


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