Chapter 25

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¤~¤~Nate's POV~¤~¤

Athena blinked a few times and looked down at the now empty cup that she swiped from me. I reached out and grabbed the cup out of her grasp, laying it down on the table.

"Why in the world did you do that??" I asked her in bewilderment, the back of my throat was dry and I needed a drink.

"T-There was a....?" She said slowly, not completing her sentence. She was blinking heavily and her head was tilting to one side. Athena groaned slightly, rubbing her temples.

"Hey are you okay?" I asked her, grabbing her shoulders to steady her when I saw her leaning into the open area.

I looked over to Tasha and she was wide eyed, with a guilt stricken expression. I sat Athena down in a chair as she kept groaning.

I walked past Tasha grabbing her arm on my way, dragging her with me. She made a little yelping noise as I tugged roughly on her arm.

"What happened with Athena?" I asked, abruptly stopping causing Tasha to ram into me. She rubbed her nose while looking up at me.

"I don't know, she was saying that she wasn't feeling very well earlier." She replied innocently rocking on her heels. I narrowed my eyes at her and she stopped rocking. "I may have.... given her a drug." She said so quickly I had to strain my ears to understand her.

"You gave her WHAT?!?!?!" I yelled, startling an elderly couple passing by. I gave them an apologetic smile and looked back at Tasha with a menacing look. She took a step back holding her hands in front of her.

"Are you stupid??? Why would you drug Athena?!?!" I shouted at her banging my fist into the wall and then dragging my hands through my hair in frustration.

"I-I, i-it wasn't meant for her, s-she just drank it."

Something dawned on me at that moment. The drink that Athena drunk with the drug was my drink. I looked at Tasha with disgusted expression.

"Get out of here, just leave. Now." I said sternly pointing at the door. She didn't argue and scurried her way out of the door.

I walked back to our table to see Athena hysterically laughing and Dillon's arm wrapped around Athena's waist. I glared daggers at his arm, I could feel a fire rise in the pit of my stomach.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm taking Athena home." Dillon replied coolly, tightening his hold on Athena's waist.

"I'll take her home." I said quickly. I ripped his arm off of her wrapping my own arm securely around her.

"Dude, back off she isn't your date. You may have freaked me out in the bathroom but I'm not scared of you." Dillon said grabbing onto Athena's wrist pulling her back to him.

"I don't trust you with her when she's vulnerable." I say grabbing her other wrist pulling her towards me. He pulled harder and I saw Athena wince.

"Well, I don't trust you."

"Owwwww, you guys are hurting my wrist." Athena whined, a pout on her lips. I instantly let go of Athena's wrist. Dillon took that chance to pull her to him.

"Come on babe it's time for you to go home." Dillon said pulling her with him. She ripped her wrist out of his grasp and folded her arms across her chest.

"Noooooooo, I wanna stay and eat some foooood." She whined dragging her words.

"Come one Gummybear, we need to get you home." I said gently to her in her high state. She looked over to me like she had just noticed me. She tilted her head slightly looking at me.

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