Chapter 27

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"Athena open your eye more!"

"Pucker your lips!"

"Stop blinking!"

"Don't move!"

I groaned and tried to sit still as Ebony and Brit applied makeup to my face. Today was my date with Carson, Dylan's pick, and since my date with the first two guys were terrible, Ebony and Brit were stressing about making this one perfect.

My head flinched back as Brit ran the huge paddle brush through my unruly, still damp, hair. Ebony was applying eyeliner and nearly jabbed my eyes at least twice now.

I heard a dull vibrating noise and looked at my desk which had Ebony's phone on it teetering around.

"Ebony, I think your phone is ringing." I said blinking my eyes as they watered from keeping them open.

Ebony let go of my face and put down the liquid eyeliner stick and grabbed her phone off of my desk swiping the screen and holding it to her ear.

"Hello?" I could hear the buzzing of the person from the other side explaining something to Ebony.

"What do you mean he can't make it?!" Ebony screamed into the phone startling both me and Brit. There was more buzzing on the other end of the phone, speaking more frantically now. Ebony let out a huge sigh and rubbed her temples obviously frustrated.

"Well who's the replacment?" Ebony asked in a more calm level voice. The buzzing on the other end was answering slowly and quietly. Ebony's shoulders sagged in relief and she muttered something into the phone that I couldn't hear.

She shut the phone after a goodbye and turned to us with a huge smile but didn't say anything.

"Who was that?" Brit finally asked as Ebony didn't say a peep and kept applying eyeliner to my eye.

"It was Dylan, he was telling me Carson can't make it." Ebony replied evenly. Brit's eyebrows shot up in surprise.

"So is Athena not going on the date?" Brit asked in confusion as Ebony kept applying my makeup.

"Yup, he found a replacement." Eboyn said, and that was when my ears perked up that I was still going with someone else.

"Who?" I asked trying to turn my head but Brit was still holding my head in place doing my hair.

"It's a surprise." Ebony answered with a secretive smile. I furrowed my eyebrows but settled back into my seat.

"We have to redo your makeup though, it's too flashy for where your going." Ebony explained grabbing a makeup wipe. I groaned and squeezed my eyes shut.

This is going to be a long night.


My look was more natural than before with only a little mascara and lip gloss. My outfit consisted of a beige knit sweater, jeans, and fuzzy boots.

I was rocking on my heels waiting for my surprise date while Ebony and Brit were talking in the kitchen probably about my date.

I heard the doorbell ring and I nearly fell trying to get to the door. My nerves were jumpy from anticipation and I wanted to find out who my date was.

I opened the door and was met by a guy a little taller than me. He was wearing a long sleeved, dark blue, collared, button down shirt and some tan khakis. His blonde hair a few shades darker from the lack of sun during winter and his murky green eyes nervous.

"Nate?" I said in astonishment with my eyebrows raised. He gave me a nervous laugh and coughed a bit. He looked jittery.

"H-Hey Athena..." He stuttered out, the tip of his nose was pink from the cold.

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