Chapter 18

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I woke up drowsily, shoving the comforter off of my body. It was Wednesday, five days since the babysitting.

I shuffled to my bathroom, my eyes squinting against the bright light from my window.

I quickly brush my teeth and then brush my unruly brown hair and add a little mascara to my lashes. I make my way back to my closet and pull on some capris and a black shirt.

I pull my hair into a high ponytail, letting it swing side to side. I then look at the time, while grabbing a jacket, since it was gonna be cold.


I grab my backpack and sling it over one of my shoulders and head downstairs. I kiss my mom on the cheek and then sneakily stole her toaster strudel.

"Hey! That's my strudel!" She yells after me. I just responded with a giggle running away from her and head towards my car.

I start my car, putting on the highest heating setting, and pull out of my driveway. I suddenly felt a vibration in my pocket, so I grab out my phone and see I got a new text message.

Ebby: Can I get a ride?

I text back a yes, and start driving towards her house, which was only three streets down.

I honk my car horn and see her strawberry blonde head pop out of her doorway. She scampers her way to my car and situated herself in the passenger seat.

I reverse out of her driveway and head towards the school grounds.

"Sorry for the late minute ride, my dad took my car last night." Ebony explained with a sigh, adjusting her backpack at the feet of her seat, and latching on her seatbelt.

"It's fine, and is everything okay at home?" I ask taking my eyes off the road for a second to look at her.

She lets out a huge sigh and rubs her eyes, which I now noticed were slightly tinged red, as though she was crying.

"I wish it was. Me and my little sister might be split up if they get divorced, which seems to be the likely case." Ebony says her voice laced with worry.

"Don't think like that, you'll always have each other, you won't be split up." I say reassuringly.

"This is reality Erin, it's bound to happen." She says her voice lost of all hope.

Uh-Oh she only calls me by my middle name when she's completely serious.

I pulled into the school parking lot and Ebony quickly rushed out of the car. I sigh and watch her retreating back, probably going to her little hide out to cry.

I had an itching sensation to go and comfort her, but Ebony hates it when people see her cry, she's a real tough cookie.

I walk into the school heading towards my locker. I quickly put in my locker combination and yank it open.

It didn't budge, so I tried pulling it open again, but it still stayed closed. I pulled it once more and it finally opened,and about two dozen roses tumbled out of my locker.

At first I found it kind of romantic, but I closely inspected that half of the roses were dehydrated and squashed into other flowers, some even snapped completed in half like someone was speedily trying to cram them into my locker.

I finally found a note after rummaging through the bazillion flowers that were in my locker.

Dear Athena,

I've really liked you for a while now and I was wondering if you would like to accompany me on a date?

~Ryan S.

I re-read the note over and over again. I could hear a couple of people 'aww'ing and whispers going around. I could also hear a few snide comments from the Ryan followers.

"So, what do you say?" Ryan asked from right behind me. I look over my shoulder at him and smile.

"I would love to. Thanks for all the flowers their really sweet."

Okay that last part was a lie. I Hate roses, they are so overused and reminded me of blood. I like more of the brightly colors flowers.

This is my first date, maybe it'll be fun.

His face breaks out into a grin, which I mirrored.

"Okay, so I'll pick you up at 7 on Friday?" He asked.

"Yeah sure, where to?" I ask with furrowed eyebrows, pushing some of the flowers aside and grabbing books out of my locker.

"It's a surprise." He responded with a wink, and left before I could question him.


I grabbed an apple heading towards my usual table in the back of the cafeteria.

"Hey Brit." I greeted since she was the only one there.

I feel like I haven't talked to Brit in forever.

"Hey Thena!" She says perkily.

"You seem happier than usual, is there a specific reason why?" I ask taking a bite out of my apple, chewing slowly.

"I'm going on a date with Dylan." She responds.

"I'm not trying to burst your bubble or anything, but you and Dylan have been on a million and one dates." I state confused.

"Actually.... I'm meeting his parents on the date." she says shyly looking down at her food.

Woah, Meeting the 'rents are a big thing. Dylan and Brit are the type of couple that take things excruciating slow, so this really surprised me.

"Really?" I ask. She didn't get to respond since Dylan came and sat next to her, giving her a sweet kiss on the cheek.

They went into their little fantasy land together, completely forgetting me there.

Ebony was about to come sit with us until Liam came and dragged her to his table. They seemed to be hanging together a lot.

I felt kind of alone at the table just munching on my apple.

I saw Nate walk in so I quickly call him over. He didn't look like he was in the best mood though, he looked mad. When he came and sat by me I could also see the underlying sadness in his eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask him trying make eye contact but his eyes avoided mine.

"Yeah, just peachy." He responded bluntly.

I didn't like his mood. I like him better when he has a breath taking smile on his face.

"You know you look cuter when you're happy." I say giving him a small nod to emphasize, still munching on my apple.

He just responded with a fake smile. I start playfully hitting his shoulder with mine, but then he just looked irritated.

I then took it to drastic measures. I made a hand motion that implied that he come closer so I can whisper a huge secret to him.

He rolled his eyes, but still shifted closer to me.

"I'll give you a hundred green gummybears if it meant you smiled again." I whispered in his ear, meaning every word, and that's something big for me. His cold exterior finally cracked and he gave me his genuine breath taking smile.

"Really?" He asked with furrowed eyebrows, but his smile still stretched on his face.

"Yeah, I hate seeing a friend sad." Once I had said friend his smile vanished and he just grunted as a response going back to his moody mode.

What did I say wrong?

I didn't have time to question him because the bell rang indicating the end of lunch.


AN: Awww poor Nate, Athena and her obliviousness *smh*.

So to be honest I don't want Athena with Ryan, he's a little too straight forward and clingy. I wanted to update before I went Ice skating and my family visiting. So, should I make the date suck? Or go good?

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