Chapter 10

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When the food arrived everyone naturally stuffed their faces with food.

Dylan literally looked like he unhinged his jaw and was shoving two slices of pizza in his mouth at a time... well that's disturbing.

Ryan finally got the message of me wanting my space. He seemed like a sweet guy and all but it was slightly uncomfortable.

We were all laughing and having a good time telling funny stories since the last time we talked.

When I was scooting away from Ryan earlier it sent me scooting closer to Nate. For some reason I didn't really mind though, he had a cozy type of aura about him.

We all finally said it was time to go and we all went over to Liam's house since his parents were really laid back when it came to friends coming over.

Before we left though, I saw a small folded note in my empty cup. I opened it and read:

Andrew. Call Me.

With Andrew's number underneath. I look up to find our waiter giving me a cheeky wink.

I smile a little and then leave.... hmmm I might just call him...

"What's that?" Nate asks coming up from behind me. I shove the note into my pocket and just shrug.

"Nothing really"

He gave me a skeptical look but dropped it.


When we finally got to Liam's house, everyone was segregated.

All the guys were huddled up playing on the Xbox, while the girls were in a circle gossiping.

"So... what's this thing you and Liam have?" Brit nudged Ebony a little.

Ebony rolled her eyes but her cheeks we're tinged pink.

"Nothing." She said simply.

"Mhm. Right, like we're gonna believe that. I could see you guys have some kind of chemistry ever since that party." I push looking for more of a response.

"You can't be talking Thena,  I saw the whole thing with Ryan and Nate. Also including that hunky waiter who slipped you his number." Ebony said, effectively changing the subject.

Brit's eyes nearly bulged out of their sockets.

"You've never been interested in any guy since the incident!" Brit exclaimed jumping up and down causing the guys to all turn their heads. "Er... sorry." Brit said sheepishly sitting back down.

"I'm not interested in any guys." I say flatly rolling my eyes.

"So you're a lesbian?" Brit asked in confusion.

Cue facepalm, I thought to myself.

"No. I'm just saying I'm not into dating at the moment." I explain and Brit's mouth forms an 'O'

Brit can be extremely blonde at times. I roll my eyes again, and this time Ebony joins me.

Dylan comes behind Brit wrapping his arms around her waist. She instantly turns and smiles at him.

Even though their really lovey-dovey they don't show too much PDA.

Liam also comes over and starts talking woth Ebony. What every he said to her it made her smile and her cheeks turn pink.

Oh yay! I get to be a loner again, I thought glumly. 

I guess I spoke too soon because both Ryan and Nate come and sit on both of my sides.

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