Chapter 26

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I felt a small pulsing sensation in the back of my head lightly thumping. My eyes were heavy and caked together with mascara. I scrub my hand down my face with limp fingers and I finally blinked my eyes open letting them adjust to the rays of sun from my window.

I looked down and saw I was still wearing what I wore to the pizza place yesterday. My memory was foggy and I felt like I should be remembering something. I hated the feeling of knowing something happened but can't remember it.

All I remember was little blurbs of yesterday. I drank something, and Dillon was there, I was really hungry, and then I remember hearing the front door open and Persie saying something. I could hardly hear her while I was drifting in and out of sleep though.

I groaned looking around my room, I was neatly tucked in my bed and nothing seemed out of order. Maybe it was a dream?

I stretch out my arms above my head, then rolled my shoulders and kicked out my legs.

"Shhhhh.... She might still be asleep." I heard Ebony say outside of my door. The door lightly screeched open and Ebony and Brit came tip toeing in.

"I'm awake." I informed them. They stopped tip toeing and looked up at me.

"Hey Thena." Brit said brightly. She jumped and belly flopped onto my bed. "We came over to hang out." She said her words muffled and sounded like 'Fwe coom oor doo fang hout'

"Yea, yesterday Nate had to bring you and Tasha home because you guys were both sick and we felt bad that you didn't get to stay." Ebony said also making her way to sit on my bed.   

When I heard Tasha's name my fogged memories thinned out. I drank Nate's drugged drink. I remembered that now, but there feels like something else happened.

"Nate stayed with you until Persie came back home." Brit said, flipping over onto her back and sitting up. Her blonde hair was disheveled and poking out in random directions.

Persie! That's what my mind was confused about, Persie was talking with someone, and it had something to do with Tina. I scrunched my eyebrows and tried to think hard but I couldn't think of anything. I'll have to ask Nate about it later.I walked over, flopping next to Ebony.

"What do you want to do?" I asked looking over to Ebony and Brit.

"We could play the game box." Brit supplied. She was now fixing her hair and pulling it into a ponytail.

"Nah, I'm not in the mood for games." I said truthfully. I wanted to just curl up with a tub of ice cream and watch a marathons of shows.

"We should go shopping, you know the dance is coming up." Ebony said. I grunted a response and stuffed my head in my pillow. The dance was next week and I had planned to go with Ryan but now I guess that's not gonna happen.

"Yeah! We should! The dance is next week." Brit said brightly. She was now jumping up from my bed.

"Come on Athena, we haven't hung out in forever." Ebony said also happy. Does she have a date to the dance? I thought about the dance and I guess I could go with my friends it would still be really fun.

"Sure why not." I said with a sigh. I rubbed my eyes and grudedly walked to my closet. I felt like being lazy so I just grabbed a large black hoodie, a white shirt, and some jeans.

I changed and ran a brush through my hair pulling it up into a ponytail. Random strands of hair were loose, but I didn't care enough to actually fix it.

I walked back to my friends and we all headed out to the mall.


We got there and Ebony and Brit were fighting on where to go first. I drowned out their voices and headed towards the food court. I bought a bag of chips and a drink and sat at a vacant table. I left my phone at home so I just munched on my chips and slumped my drink consumed in my thoughts.

What happened with Persie last night? What happened with Tina? Where's Nate right now? What happened to Tasha? Why is this drink so good? Why-

"Athena! Athena!" I was so consumed in thinking I didn't notice I finished my chips and I was just slurping my drink, also someone was calling my name.

I looked up to find Ebony and Brit bounding there way towards me. Brit was shoving a couple of people aside and waving towards me. I flushed red and looked away as she screamed and waved towards me. From the huge smile on her face I could tell she was purposely embarrassing me.

They were both finally in front of me now. Ebony was rolling her eyes at Brit and Brit was laughing at my red face.

"Why did you leave us?" Ebony asked ignoring Brit's laughter.

"I was tired and wanted food."

"Well we are about to shops come on." They both grabbed me by my arms and dragged me, I hardly had enough time to throw away my empty chips and drink.

They both dragged me into different stores, each of which I didn't get any dresses. Ebony had already gotten her dress from the first store we went into, it was green shouldered dress with black designs covering the bottom half. Green really went with her pale skin tone and strawberry blonde hair. Brit got hers also in that store, it was a simple one strap dress that was pink at the top and grey at the bottom, the belt was black with rhinestones covering it.

We had yet to find me a dress and I could tell they were both slowly getting agitated by my rejection to every dress they pushed towards me.

We were in the last store looking through every rack of clothes. Brit shoved an ugly blue dress towards me and I crumpled my face shaking my head.

"Athena! Please just choose a dress!" Brit yelled in exasperation. Ebony looked just tired and Brit was rubbing her temples in frustration. I felt kind of bad and scared so I grabbed a random dress from the rack behind me and told them I would try it on.

When I tried it on I actually liked it. It was pink that was almost peach and it had simple white lace over it. It was my favorite color and even though I didn't necessarily like lace it looked great. I changed out of it and walked out of the dressing room. Both Ebony and Brit were waiting outside of the dressing room.

"Do we get to see what you look like in it?" Ebony asked.

"Nope." I said simply. I walked to the cashiers and bought it. After buying it We finally headed home after 5 hours of shopping. All of us were exhausted so we just watched a couple of re-runs and ate popcorn.

We were all laughing at the show and shoving popcorn down our throats. I couldn't help but think.

Maybe the dance will be fun with just my friends.


AN: Hey!!!!!!! I haven't updated in a while since I had school, plus I was snowed into my school and had to sleep there. It wasn't as bad as I thought since I had all of my friends plus I got to do a lot of painting. I even got to paint one of my friend's face.  Anyway, this was kind of a filler chapter with Athena and her friends since they haven't hung out in a while. Hopefully I can put something more fun in the next chapter, maybe a real experience I had. BAAAAIIII. :D


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