Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

"Truth or Dare?" Liam asked Dina

She giggle "Dare,"

He grabbed a dare sheet and read, "Do your best dance moves in the middle of this circle,"

She drunkenly stood but looking extremely tipsy. She swayed her hips to the small beat of music we could hear from outside. She must've lost her balance from swaying though because she fell on top of Dave.

" Hi there," she giggled like a maniac messing with his hair and twirling it with her finger. Dave looked extremely uncomfortable with a girl sitting on his lap playing with his hair.

The game going on like that till someone suggested that we go and dance. We all headed back downstairs. Me, Ebony, and Brit went to get more drinks. We found Nate, Dylan, and Liam already there.

Dylan came and wrapped a protective arm around Brit making her giggle. I think I also heard her mumble "So protective,"

I grabbed another root beer while Ebony grabbed a beer. She pulled on my arm shouting something about wanting to dance. We were now in the middle of the dance floor just doing the craziest moves we could think of while laughing our heads off at the others dance. I felt someone wrap their arm around my waist and start dancing with me. I turned around to find Ryan.

I wrap my arms around his neck as the song turned into a slow one. He looked a little tipsy but still sober. He smiled at me as we danced. We danced for two more songs before I told him I was tired.

I walked over to where Ebony and Brit were. Brit was with Dylan which didn't surprise me, but what did surprise me was that Ebony was with Liam and they seemed to be joking around since they were laughing so much.

They actually looked really cute together. I could see that Lony. I totally ship that. I also ship Brylan since they were obviously in love. I just kinda stood there as I watched my friends with their significant other.

I guess I'll be walking home tonight. I walked out of the house and in the direction of my home. I stopped walking when I heard someone honk behind me. I looked over to see Nate in his car telling me to get in.

I went into his passenger side and slid in smiling at him. "Hey Ebony saw you walk out and told me to drive you home, is that okay?" He asked making sure I was alright with getting a ride with him. I nodded my head.

"As long as you don't run out of gas and we have to walk the rest of the way," I teased, he chuckled, but kept his eyes on the road ahead.

"Don't worry I have a full tank," he said while patting the interior of the car. We both laugh thinking of that day.

He parked his car outside of my house, which I gave him instructions to and got out to open my door for me. He must have lost his footing getting around to my side of the car, because the next thing I heard was a loud thud.

I opened my door and saw him laying on the ground groaning with a hand on his head. I covered my mouth so I wouldn't laugh, but it didn't work out because I burst out in a fit og giggles.

He looks up at me with a glare, but ended up cracking a smile right afterwards. I went and helped him up, which is a lot harder than it sounds. He looked thoroughly amused that I couldn't pick him up, so I just dropped his arm and let him get up himself.

He laughed as I pouted. "Well, Goodnight Athena," He says with a nod and I wave a bye, going up my driveway and to my door.

I groaned as I remembered I left my keys inside and no one was home. I went to the side of my house and opened the window to my sister's room, and expertly fell on my face through the window.

"Owwwww," I groaned as I rubbed my head and my bum, which hit the top of the window when I fell. I patted my hands on my knees when I got up, and started heading to my room.

I felt to lazy to take a shower so I just wiped my makeup off and changed into some sweat pants and a tank top. I layed down on my bed just thinking of unrealistic things before drifting off to sleep.

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