Chapter 21

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I could easily say that Monday morning walking through the school doors, was my worst decision I have ever made. When I walked through the doors everyone was glancing at me and whispering, no doubt about the date with Ryan.

By the way, Ryan has still yet to talk or text me, which I could hardly blame him for. I ruined our date and embarrassed him. I wouldn't want to talk to me.

As I headed to my locker for my first class I spotted Nate. Now that I know that I like him, how am I supposed to act?

Do I flirt with him?

No, I suck at flirting.

Do I tell him I like him?

Nope, that'll end up a disaster.

Do I act like I don't like him?

No, that's just confusing.

Do I-

My thoughts were interrupted when arms wrapped around me in a bear hug. I squirm uncomfortably in their hold And spin around detaching their arms off of my.

"Oh my gosh! I literally just heard about what happened! There are so many rumors! Is it true that you slipped your waiter cash for alcohol? Is it true that you puked all over Ryan and stole his wallet? Is it true that-" I cut Ebony off before she could finish.

"No, none of that is true," I answer her question and sigh closing my locker. I turn to face her.

"Who spread all of those rumors anyway?" I ask with furrowed eyebrows. I started walking with Ebony tagging along side.

Ebony's face turns into a mad scowl. Her eyes having an internal battle on wether to tell me or not.

"It was Ryan and Cathy..." Ebony finally said, through clenched teeth.

My face probably looked murderous, I Hated Cathy, she was Ryan's ex-girlfriend. She was always messing with me and my friends.

"Okay, I see why Cathy would do it, but Ryan?" I ask slightly hurt.

When I said that, Ebony's face contorted between hatred and sheepishness.

"He started going out with Cathy again... right after your date..." Ebony murmured softly.

I might not have liked Ryan that much, more of a crush if anything, and I did ruin our date, but that doesn't mean it hurt any less. My heart clenched slightly from sadness, and I'm pretty sure my eyes were filled with tears.

That kind of stuff really messes with a girl's self esteem, no matter who you are. Ryan went out with a girl I hated, right after our date, And then went around spreading rumors about me.

I might have a new found liking for Nate, but the fact that Ryan did that still hurt like crud, because I did have a pretty big crush on him at that time.

I quickly walked to the girls bathroom before the tears could leak through. Before I made it to the bathroom I rammed into a hard chest.

I didn't look at who it was and shoved them out of the way, walking in the bathrooms direction again.

I heard them call after me but I didn't turn around, I just picked up my pace walking faster. As I was opening the door to the girl's bathroom a warm hand wrapped itself around my wrist and gently pulled it away from the door.

The person turned me around and I could feel their stare boring through me, but I kept my gaze locked on the ground small tears flowing down my cheeks.

Why am I crying? He was just a stupid guy who only went on one date with me.

He's telling rumors about me. He went out with another girl right after a date with me.

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