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-Rebecca's p.o.v.-

As I drove the sunlight peeked under the sun visor onto my skin. I didn't even think about it, I was too busy being a complete wreck. I didn't want to start at a new school, but since my mum's boyfriend decided to take this new promotion, me him and my mum were forced to move to this crap town. I tried to stay positive, but it was hard. People assume that since I cheer that I am super social and love being around other people, and that isn't it at all. I hate it. I have horrible social anxiety and have a hard time being social, which is the reason I started cheering. I assumed if I threw myself into the midst of pep rallies and high school parties it would get easier, but it only made me dread leaving my house more, I just hid it better now. Which is an improvement I guess. I was ripped away from my own negativity as I approached the school and saw the crowds of people pouring into the different buildings. As I pulled the key out of the ignition I heard my phone go off. I picked up a phone to see a text from my boyfriend Brandon. I quickly answered and put my phone away in my backpack. As I took a deep breath and put a smile on my face I opened the car door and stepped out into a whole new world it seemed like. Everything that happened after that was kind of a blur. Lots of hellos and goodbyes and getting to know people. My mind was kind of on auto pilot the whole day, as it always was, until I met this one girl. We had English together, last period. She walked into class late and got lectured by the teacher that being our first day back was no excuse for tardiness. She simply nodded her head and went to find an open seat. She seemed different than everyone else. She seemed more closed off and I hadn't said one word to her. She took the chair next to mine and sat down. I was going to introduce myself to her but the words would't come out. It seemed like they got caught in my throat and I couldn't say a thing. Our teacher continued to speak about herself and then said it was time to introduce ourselves. She told us to say our name and one thing about ourselves to someone next to us. I turned to the girl who I had still yet to say a word to and quietly muttered my name.

"Rebecca." I said so quietly I could barely hear it myself. The girl turned to face me and I sharply inhaled. I looked straight into her eyes and got a cold chill. Her eyes didn't look normal. They were the most beautiful colour of green but they did not display happiness. She looked sad. She looked broken. She looked lost within her own mind, but at the same time very present.

"What was that?" She asked and I cleared my throat.

"Rebecca. My name is Rebecca." I said once more and she nodded her head.

"I'm CJ." She said to me and I smiled and nodded. "What's one thing about yourself?" She asked in the calmest tone, her voice was so soothing. Once she asked my mind went blank though. I didn't know what to say. So I said the one thing I assumed defined me as a person.

"I'm a cheerleader." I said and smiled weakly.

"That's cool." She said and smiled. "I'm an artist." She said and adjusted her necklace. I was intrigued.

"What kind of art do you do?" I asked.

"I play music. And I like to draw and paint." She said and I nodded.

"That's really cool." I said. I was being genuine. Any kind of art was so astonishing to me. How people could express anger or sadness into a photo of a wilting tree or a setting sun.

"Thanks." She said and her smile disappeared. I was confused. Had I done something wrong? As I started to over-analyze the situation the teacher called our attention back up front and CJ turned back to face the board, as did I. As the time passed and the ending of the class came closer, I contemplated speaking to CJ after class, and as soon as the bell rang I packed my things and got up to find her. It was no use though, she was already gone. I let out a sigh and pulled out my phone to text Brandon. I sent him a quick 'i love you' text and put my phone back in my backpack and walked out to the parking lot to find my car. As soon as I found it, I practically sprinted to it and rushed inside. As soon as I closed the door and turned on the car I remembered I had a meeting with the other cheerleaders just to make sure everyone knew each other. I slammed my fist against the steering wheel and inhaled deeply before getting back out and walking to the football field, where we were set to meet. After I arrived there, we sat down and had to tell one fact that would help everyone understand more or less who we were. Most people said some of their guilty pleasures or things about their home life and when it came to me I froze and simply uttered out,

"I'm a cheerleader."

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