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-Rebecca's p.o.v.-
She cried into my shirt and when she pulled away she looked up at me. Her eyes looked the same as the first day we met. Dark. Sad. Unhappy. I held her hand for a moment and all she muttered out was 'I'm sorry.'

"What are you sorry about?" I asked.

"I can't stand up for myself. I can't stand up for you." She said. I was confused.

"CJ, what happened???" I asked as I took her hand and walked us toward the car.

"Brandon. He said that is his name." She said as soon as we got in the car. My heart dropped. "I was in the locker room getting changed and I was about to head out to the car. And when I was getting a drink, he approached me at the vending machine." She said and inhaled deeply. "Then he pushed me against it and yelled at me. I don't even know how he knew me." She said between sobs. "He told me it was my fault you guys are going through it. I turned you into a whore. It was my fault you cheat on him with me. We aren't even together I don't understand!" She cried and put her hands in her palms and cried. I was furious. Why was Brandon doing this!?

"I'm sorry." Was all I could manage to say. I was speechless. Brandon didn't seem like the kind of person to do this. We had domestic issues in the past, a few swings were thrown. But that was my fault it was different. She shook her head.

"It's not your fault. Don't be sorry. Why does he think you're cheating? I don't understand." She said and I sighed. "Cheating occurs when you're in love with someone and act on it whilst with another person. You're not in love and acting on those feelings with anyone else. You're faithful to Brandon and it's an admirable thing. Why does he call you these things?" She said. I sighed and held her hand. She squeezed my hand and looked at me.

"Don't carry all this stress on your shoulders. This has nothing to do with you. I'll talk to Brandon, he really messed up and I see that. And if he's gonna treat you like this I don't think I can stay with him." I said as I ran a finger over her lip. She winced. Seeing her hurt made me hurt. I let go of her hands and started the car. "Do you wanna go home or stay with me?" I asked.

"I want to go home." She said and I nodded as I pulled out of my parking spot. "So let's go home." She said and put her hand on my arm. She was calling my house home. I was her home. And I didn't know it yet, but she was mine too.

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