thirty one

17 2 0

-Rebecca's p.o.v.-

I spent the night at CJ's house. We climbed in through her window and cuddled up on her bed as I told her of my journey in California.

"I wanna move to California with you." CJ said. "It sounds wonderful there." She said.

"It's perfect there. We should move there together." I said and pecked her lips.

"Rebecca. Can I ask you a question?" CJ asked me. I hummed out in response. "Why aren't you home? Why'd you go to California? What's going on?" She asked me.

"Im taking a break. I don't wanna be home right now." I lied.

"Oh." CJ said. "Why? What happened?" She asked.

"Parents are being mean. Don't worry about it, everything is fine." I lied again as I pulled her closer. Our breathing synced up and we both slowly fell asleep.


We both woke up early. Like 6am early. It was Friday, so we both happily got out of bed and went into the bathroom to get ready. CJ quickly showered and I followed when she was done. I changed into the clothes I came home in and CJ changed into the sweater I gave her before we started dating. I couldn't believe she still had it. I smiled as we finished getting ready and I asked if she was ready to go. She nodded her head and we walked out of the house together. We walked down to my car and after getting inside, I sped down the roads and we were at school a bit earlier than usual. I parked and we exchanged quick goodbyes before heading to our classes.

The day went by quick. It was Friday, so our classes were pretty relaxed. Before I knew it, the day was over. CJ and I met at my car. As we got into my car, I heard my phone ring. I checked it and it was my mum. I stepped out of the car and answered it.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Come get your crap. It'll be on the front yard. If you don't get it by 8pm I'm throwing it out." She said and hung up. I exhaled deeply and got back in the car.

"Let's go." I said with a smile and drove us to her house. I dropped her off outside and she invited me inside. I declined.

"I forgot something at home, I'll be back in a bit." I said and we exchanged 'I love you's before I drove to the house to get my stuff. I drove and in a few minutes arrived at my house. I parked in front of it and saw a few duffle bags on the front yard. I grabbed them one by one and loaded them into my car. I looked at the house again and without saying anything got back in the car and drove back to CJ's house. As I drove I began to cry. I pulled to the side of the road and began to sulk into my palms. It was all hitting me. My parents disowned me. I'm homeless. All I have to my name is what is in my car. I'm running out of money. I weighed out my options. Maybe I could move to San Francisco and stay with my aunt. She liked me. I smiled at the thought and pulled back on the road. In a few moments though, I heard my phone ring again. I checked it and it was my mum. Confused, I answered.

"Hello?" I answered and my mother began yelling.

"Why did you go stay with your aunt!? What kind of nerve do you have?! She's a good woman! She doesn't deserve to have to deal with your crap! Don't you dare go speak to anyone else, you wanted to be with that little hussy so badly, that's your family now. You aren't part of this family. You stay away for your own good or so help me! Understood?" She yelled and I nodded my head realising she couldn't see me.

"Yes." I mumbled out and she hung up. My heart shattered. I had no one. All I had was CJ. I couldn't tell her what happened. She'd think it was her fault. It was all on me, and I thought it was time to end all of this drama. I was gonna cherish the one person I had left. I drove to the mall and parked and ran inside to catch the jewellery store before it closed. I used the ATM outside the store and pulled out some money. I only had a little bit left, I had to look for a job soon. I went inside and got the nicest ring I could buy. I bought it and walked out of the store with the biggest smile. I put the box in my pocket and ran to my car. I decided I would go see CJ. I wanted her to see me. I had a big surprise for her. I drove to her house with the biggest grin, and after arriving at her house quickly parked. I grabbed my things and walked to her house. Her mother greeted me and welcomed me inside. I walked up to CJ's room and smiled as soon as I saw her. I hugged her tightly and for a little too long. CJ pulled away.

"Something wrong?" She asked me.

"No." I said and kissed her. She pulled away.

"What happened? You're acting weird?" She asked me.

"I have a question to ask you." I said as I felt on the box in my pocket.

"Sure, shoot." She said and I felt my heart racing. I held her hand.

"Catherine Jane. You're the love of my life. I've been in love with you since the second you walked in that classroom the first day I met you. You took my breath away. I didn't know it at that time, but you are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I may not have much, but you can have everything I am. You're my everything and I don't wanna let you go for a second." I said as I pulled the box out of my pocket and got down on one knee. "Will you marry me?" I asked as I opened the box and showed her the small engagement ring I got her. She covered her mouth and began to cry and nodded her head.

"Yes. Yes, I will Rebecca." She said as I stood up to kiss her and she kept crying. I broke the kiss and pulled her hand close to me and slid the ring on her finger. It fit perfectly. She admired it and kissed me again.

"I love you so much." She mumbled into the kiss.

"I love you too." I said as I pulled away and looked at the ring. It looked so perfect on her slender finger. We hugged for a bit more before sitting down on the bed together and speaking of the future. We were going to go to California to get married. It wasn't legal here yet, sadly. My 18th birthday was in a couple of weeks and CJ's was in February. So we just needed to wait till then, then we could begin our life together. And boy I couldn't wait.

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