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-Rebecca's p.o.v.-
After finishing shopping, CJ and I headed to her house. She gave me the address and once again Siri led the way. Once we arrived in her driveway I turned off my navigation and stared in awe at her home. It was huge. Her parents must have been loaded. It was insane, from the way she dressed and acted she didn't come off as someone of this much wealth. Most of the girls on my cheer team had close to nothing and acted as if they owned the world. I guess it depends on your upbringing too. CJ and I both got out of the car and she rushed to the door to open it. Since the sun had set already, it was quite cold. Once inside, CJ took her shoes off and left them near the door along with her book bag.

"Mom!" She called out. "Dad! Anyone home? I brought home a friend!" She said as she walked into the kitchen. Her mother walked out of the pantry once we entered with a big smile.

"Hi honey, who's your friend?" She asked wiping her hands on her jeans.

"Mom, this is Rebecca." She said. "Becca, my mom." She said and I shook hands with her mother.

"Elizabeth." She said.

"Pleasure to meet you." I said politely.

"Same to you dear." She said and walked to the sink.

"Your father should be home soon, Catherine." CJ's mother said. I looked at CJ and could see her cringe. I didn't know her real name, but didn't expect it to be Cathrine. Maybe Courtney, or Claire or even Chloe. But not Catherine. What did the J stand for? Judith? Jayden? Jacquline?

"Mom I've told you I don't like being called that." She said in a small voice. Her mother exhaled deeply.

"You're name is beautiful honey. Catherine Jane is a wonderful name. I like it better than CJ, but if you are happier as CJ I'll try harder to remember that." Her mother said. CJ nodded and walked into the pantry and came out with a snack for both of us. She tossed me a protein bar and a pack of fruit snacks. I thanked her and she spoke to her mom again.

"Is it cool if Rebecca stays for dinner?" CJ asked. "My mom is the best cook." CJ whispered to me and her mother chuckled.

"Of course she can, dear." She said and turned to me. "You're always welcome." She said as she turned back to dinner prep. I thought about my mums cooking. It wasn't the best. Her boyfriend usually cooked because when my mum tried we ended up getting take out. She was good at baking though, I could never resist her peanut butter cookies. CJ took my hand as we rushed up the stairs. We walked to what I assumed was her bedroom and once inside, CJ closed the door behind me. I looked around and was stunned. She had a giant bed and a flat screen tv, large dresser, and a small desk in the corner facing the window along with many other things including a walk in closet and her own bathroom. I sat on the bed and she turned on the tv and Xbox.

"Wanna watch Netflix?" She asked me and I nodded. She opened Netflix and went to her recently watched and I saw she had Law and Order SVU.

"Hey! Let's watch Law and Order!" I said and she shot her head to look at me.

"You like Law and Order SVU, too??" She said and I nodded enthusiastically.

"It's one of my favourites!" I said and she happily clapped her hands together and clicked on Law and Order. She was already on season 13, but I was only at 9. I shrugged my shoulders as she sat with me on the bed and we got comfy under the sheets as we watched tv together.

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