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-Rebecca's p.o.v.-

I stared at the pair for a moment longer before opening my car door and sitting inside. A million thoughts raced through my head and they were all stopped the second CJ opened the passenger side door and sat in the car next to me. She let out a sigh as she threw her backpack in the backseat.

"You ready to go?" She asked with a big smile and I nodded and quickly started the car.

"Yup!" I said as we drove out of the parking lot. We passed many restaurants and I saw CJ longingly looking out the window. I chuckled.

"Do you wanna get something to eat?" I asked her and she looked at me and quickly nodded her head before uttering out the quietest yes.

"Where you wanna eat?" I asked and she pulled out her phone.

"There is this adorable cafe in town I'll grab the address." She said full of excitement. I nodded as she searched for it. She "ooo"d loudly, and I assumed she had found it. She turned on her navigation and Siri led us to our destination. We arrived quickly, and as soon as I stopped my car CJ got out of the car like an eager child. I smiled, it was cute how innocent she was at times. I followed behind her slowly and when I got to the door she held it open for me. I thanked her with a head nod and a quiet "thanks" I myself could barely hear. We walked up to a small table and the hostess seated us and set menus in front of us. I read the large print on the front "The Daily Mug". I had heard about the diner but had never gotten around to trying it. From what I heard the costumer service was crap but the food was decent, and the high school had their own meal named after it. I ordered a glass of water and CJ got tea. As the waitress ran to the back of the back to get our drinks, I scanned over the menu and decided to order the "Aguila Real". It was the platter named after our school. It didn't look that great but I kinda wanted to see what all the fuss was about. CJ ordered a buffalo chicken sandwich and fries. As we waited for our food, we talked about a whole lot of nothing. Gossip, grades, home life etc. Our food didn't arrive for a while so we ended up going on our phones for a bit. Once it arrived we dug in and right as I took a giant bite, CJ asked me a question.

"What are you getting your boyfriend for Christmas?" She asked me and I coughed trying not to choke on my food. After chewing for what seemed like forever I answered.

"A wallet or something." I said as I wiped the sides of my mouth with a napkin. She nodded.

"I was wondering because I needed some ideas for my partner." She said and I nodded. Why didn't she say girlfriend?

"What are they into?" I asked.

"They are into shoes. They love shoes. And band shirts. I swear they're so basic sometimes it makes me laugh." She said as she chuckled.

"What stores do.. they like to shop at?" I asked and she thought for a moment.

"Hot Topic." She said. "Or Spencer's." she said.

"Maybe get them some novelty socks, or suspenders." I suggested. "From the stores they shop at and stuff they buy the most I think that would be something they'd like." I said and CJ nodded.

"That's a good idea." She said. "Thanks!" She said as she grabbed a handful of fries.

"No prob." I said with a smile as I finished off my food. It wasn't as good as I thought it was going to be, didn't live up to the hype but it was okay overall. As we finished our food, I grabbed my wallet and grabbed some money out of it. CJ noticed what I was doing and grabbed her wallet too.

"Uh uh uh, I'm paying." I said and smiled. CJ laughed.

"Cmon, you paid last time." She whined and I shook my head. 

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