-Rebecca's p.o.v.-
I walked toward the room for my first period and looked at my watch. I would have been there for like 5 minutes and had to leave. So I decided to just walk and be early to my second period class. I walked to the portable and waited outside for the teacher to arrive. Once she did, she opened the door and I sat on my phone till the class started. I saw CJ had texted me.
To Rebecca: hey. Just wanted to tell you I hope you have a good day <3 see you at lunch :) xo
I smiled. I always liked getting texts from CJ during school. It made the day better somehow. Made the sun shine seem brighter. The flowers smell sweeter. My peers seem bearable. It was a nice feeling all the way around. I smiled as the rest of my class joined my teacher and I. Everyone poured in and the class started. The class dragged on as it always did, but as soon as it ended I rushed to my third block class. I was early, obviously, so I sat in the classroom and waited for everyone to arrive. As everyone walked in I drifted off into a daydream, and stayed in this state throughout the entire class. It wasn't until the bell rang that I was aware and alert. It was time to see CJ. I rushed to the lunchroom and saw my cheerleader friends and walked right past them to sit where CJ and I usually sat. I waited for her, and she soon arrived with a smile and some food. I smiled. She usually didn't eat at lunch, it kinda upset me. I didn't like to see her starving herself. But she said she ate at home. I trusted her. As we ate together, we talked about things we wanted to do over the break. We still had school till Wednesday. CJ said she was looking forward to seeing family and stuff. I was just excited I didn't have to leave my house for a little while. I could stay in and write. It was funny, from the outside I seemed like your typical airhead cheerleader. But on the inside, I was the total opposite. I hated people from my crowd. The populars. I was one of them but didn't like it. I didn't like those who relied on looks or sex to get the things they wanted. Or those who didn't think a quick mind was valuable. It didn't seem right to me. I looked over at CJ as she finished her food and I smiled, she smiled right back at me. I grabbed my bag and began to write. I wanted to start writing more at school. I had the most time to think there it felt like. I wrote for a bit and chatted with CJ and in a short time I heard the bell ring. I got up and grabbed my things and CJ hugged me tightly before going. We had never hugged before. Or maybe we had, it felt like the first time to me. I squeezed her back and we exchanged goodbyes as we went to our classes.
After school, I walked to my car and saw CJ waiting for me. I smiled and rushed to talk to her. She wasn't smiling.
"What's wrong?" I asked and she looked like she wanted to cry. I opened my car and she quickly got inside. I followed and closed my car door. "Did something happen?" I asked as I saw she was trying to hold back tears.
"My partner broke up with me." She said quietly as tears started to escape her eyes. It felt like my heart broke along with hers. "I was gonna buy them a promise ring for Christmas." She told me and my heart felt heavy. It made me so sad to see CJ like this. I put my hand on her bicep and rubbed it for a moment.
"Everything is gonna be okay." I began. "Take a deep breath in..." I said as I inhaled. She quickly followed. "Out... everything is gonna be ok. I believe in you. You are strong and even something as heartbreaking as this won't hold you down." I said and CJ began to cry. I hugged her the best I could from my seat and she squeezed my arms and cried into my shirt. I rubbed small circles in her back until she stopped crying then looked at her with a smile.
"Do you wanna go to the park?" I asked with a smile and she paused for a moment before nodding her head. I mouthed 'okay' before starting my car and driving out of the now almost empty school parking lot.

i'm a cheerleader.
RomanceRebecca is new in town and just started at a new school. She has a boyfriend, she's a cheerleader, everything is going great for her, Until she meets CJ and her whole word is turned upside down. (WARNING: sensitive content, I will put warnings in...