thirty four

23 5 0

-Rebecca's p.o.v.-

I spent the whole weekend at CJ's house and it felt like it flew by way too fast, and in no time it was Monday and back to going to school. I didn't have school since I was suspended until Thursday , so I took CJ to school and spent the day at the park until it was time to get her. But, Thursday did come and it was time for me to go back to school. Thursday was pretty uneventful but Friday was one hell of a day.


"Rebecca they want you in the office. The assistant principal wants to meet with you." My 4th period teacher told me. I sighed and walked myself to the office. When I told the secretary I had been called to see me she directed me in and I sat down in front of the assistant principal's desk. I saw Jenna Demsky and her mother as I walked in. I was confused, what is this? The principal looked at me and smiled weakly.

"Rebecca. Glad you're here." He said flatly. "Jenna, Mrs. Demsky and myself have been talking and have agreed on what your punishment will be for last weeks little episode." He said and I furred my brows.

"I thought my suspension was my punishment?" I questioned.

"That's part of it." He said. "Due to the extent of Jenna's injuries, we don't believe it is safe for you guys to be together so often anymore. So you're being removed from the cheer team." He said. My heart dropped. I was speechless.

"Are you serious?" I asked. Now I was angry but upset and that was not a good combination. "What about her bullying me? Are we doing nothing about that?" I asked angrily.

"She's seeing the school counselor for a little while to deal with that. That's not your concern though, Rebecca." He said.

"It kinda is. It had to do with me it's my concern." I said. "But whatever. Kick me off the team. I don't care. Are we done here?" I asked as I stood up and he mumbled some words before I walked out of his office. Today couldn't get worse. I had some chances to get into a college from cheer. What was I gonna do now??? My grades weren't perfect. I couldn't get a scholarship from grades there was no way. I wanted to cry but instead my face stayed totally neutral. Inside I was screaming.


I went through the rest of my classes without saying a word. I just sat and waited for the day to be over. Once the last bell rang I rushed to my car and sat inside to wait for CJ. After sitting for a few moments in silence I put my head in my palms and began to cry. It wasn't fair. Cheer was all I had. That was my ride into a university. My whole way of socialising, everything. I didn't know what I would do without it. And I didn't even have the support of my parents anymore since I was no longer their child. All I had was CJ, and that was a terrifying thought. Because what if she got tired of me, too? What if she decided it was best for us to go our separate ways? We were only in high school after all. The thought of having no one scared me to death. My thoughts were interrupted by CJ climbing into the car with a smile on her face.

"Hey! Ready to go?" She asked in a chipper voice as she closed her door. She looked over at my face and her smile disappeared. "What's wrong?" She asked as she put her hand on my bicep.

"Nothing." I lied as I started the car. "Let's get you home." I said as I started the car and pulled out of my parking space. She didn't need to know.


We drove to her house and I dropped her off outside. She invited me in since she was planning on telling her parents about the engagement today. I declined.

"I'm gonna go and get some gas. I'll be back later tonight." I said and waved goodbye for now. I dug around in my pocket and found my last bit of money that wasn't on my card. It was a $20 bill, but I knew I still had some money in my bank account, so I relaxed. I was going to go the store to get some new underwear later since I wasn't able to do laundry and was running low on them. I sat in silence, not even the radio was on, until I got to the gas station. I quickly turned into the gas station and pumped gas and quickly took off. I went to the park and stayed there till I saw the sun beginning to set. Then I remembered I needed underwear, so I quickly went to a Rue21 and walked inside. I walked to the section where they had underwear and bras and picked out 3 pairs of underwear. I rushed to the check out and after waiting in line for a bit, scanned my stuff and tried to pay. The cashier pulled up my total and I tried to swipe my card. I waited for it to process and the cashier awkwardly coughed.

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